AARoads:United States/Nevada/Federal aid numbers

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  • FAS 501: SR 116 (old SR 42)
  • FAS 502: Harmon Road Fallon
  • FAS 503: ?
  • FAS 504: Allen Road Fallon (old SR 61)
  • FAS 505: SR 117
  • FAS 506: St. Clair Road Fallon (old SR 61)
  • FAS 507: US 95 (old SR 1A) north of Fallon
  • FAS 508: Airport Road Fallon
  • FAS 509: SR 118 (old SR 62)
  • FAS 510: Lone Tree Road Fallon
  • FAS 511: SR 120
  • FAS 512-516: ?
  • FAS 517: SR 723 - gone from FAS by 1969 but came back as state aid
  • FAS 518: ?
  • FAS 519: Portuguese Lane Stillwater
  • FAS 520: SR 115 (old SR 2 before realignment)
  • FAS 521: Maine Street Fallon
  • FAS 522: McLean Road Fallon
  • FAS 523: Dolf Lane Fallon
  • FAS 524: SR 119 (old SR 2 before realignment)
  • FAS 525: SR 839 (old SR 31) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 526-530: ?
  • FAS 531: SR 169 (old SR 12)/Valley of Fire Highway (old SR 40)
  • FAS 532: SR 161 (old SR 53)/SR 142 (old SR 6 before realignment)
  • FAS 533: road to Chiquita Mine west of Goodsprings
  • FAS 534: SR 152/Paradise Road
  • FAS 535: ?
  • FAS 536: SR 165 (old SR 60)
  • FAS 537: SR 739 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 538: SR 160 (old SR 16)
  • FAS 539: SR 146/SR 147 (old SR 41)
  • FAS 540: SR 163 (old SR 77)
  • FAS 541: SR 170
  • FAS 542: Sunny Place/Washington Avenue/MLK Boulevard/Miller Avenue/SR 147
  • FAS 543: SR 157 (old SR 39)
  • FAS 544: US 93 (old SR 7) south of Caliente
  • FAS 545: SR 164 (old SR 68)
  • FAS 546: SR 146 - later became FAS 539
  • FAS 547: SR 156 (old SR 52)
  • FAS 548: Nevada Way Boulder City
  • FAS 549: SR 148
  • FAS 550: ?
  • FAS 551: SR 88 (old SR 37)
  • FAS 552: SR 756 (old SR 56) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 553: SR 206 (old SR 57)
  • FAS 554: SR 206
  • FAS 555: ?
  • FAS 556: Mottsville Lane/Waterloo Lane Minden
  • FAS 557: ?
  • FAS 558: SR 759 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 559: SR 207/SR 757 (old SR 19) - was the state aid 757 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 560: US 95A/SR 208 (old SR 3) - US 95A later became FAP 10
  • FAS 561-564: ?
  • FAS 565: SR 760 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 566-570: ?
  • FAS 571: SR 225 (old SR 11/SR 11A/SR 43)
  • FAS 572: SR 227 (old SR 46)
  • FAS 573: SR 226 (old SR 11)
  • FAS 574: SR 230
  • FAS 575: Upper Starr Valley Road
  • FAS 576: SR 232
  • FAS 577: SR 278 (old SR 20)
  • FAS 578: SR 228 (old SR 46)/SR 892 - was the state aid 892 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 579: SR 229 (old SR 11)/SR 767 - was the state aid 767 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 580: SR 229/Ruby Valley Road (old SR 11)
  • FAS 581: SR 233 (old SR 30)
  • FAS 582: SR 223/SR 231
  • FAS 583: SR 229 (old SR 11)
  • FAS 584: SR 766 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 585-590: ?
  • FAS 591: SR 265 (old SR 47)
  • FAS 592: SR 264/SR 773 (old SR 3A) - was the state aid 773 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 593: SR 266 (old SR 3)
  • FAS 594: SR 267 (old SR 72)
  • FAS 595: SR 264
  • FAS 596-600: ?
  • FAS 601: SR 306 (old SR 21)
  • FAS 602: SR 278/SR 781 (old SR 20) - was the state aid 781 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 603: New York Canyon Road Eureka
  • FAS 604: SR 780 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 605-610: ?
  • FAS 611: SR 290 (old SR 8B)
  • FAS 612: Martin Creek Road Paradise Valley
  • FAS 613: SR 789 (old SR 18) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 614: SR 291/SR 292 (old SR 8A)
  • FAS 615: SR 121/SR 294
  • FAS 616: SR 291 (old SR 8A)
  • FAS 617: Morrison Avenue Golconda
  • FAS 618: SR 289
  • FAS 619: County Line Road McDermitt
  • FAS 620: SR 293
  • FAS 621: SR 806 (old SR 18A) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 622: road to Copper Canyon
  • FAS 623: SR 305 (old SR 8A)
  • FAS 624: SR 376 (old SR 8A)
  • FAS 625-630: ?
  • FAS 631: SR 320
  • FAS 632: SR 322
  • FAS 633: SR 317
  • FAS 634: SR 318 (old SR 38)
  • FAS 635: ?
  • FAS 636: Bristol Wells Road Pioche
  • FAS 637: Kershaw Canyon-Ryan State Park (old SR 55)
  • FAS 638: Cathedral Gorge State Park (old SR 54)
  • FAS 639: Scott Road/Pan American Road Pioche (old SR 83)
  • FAS 640: Ely Mine Road Pioche
  • FAS 641: SR 342 (old SR 80)
  • FAS 642: US 95A/SR 339/SR 340 (old SR 1B/SR 2B) - US 95A later became FAP 10
  • FAS 643: SR 339/SR 827/MacKenzie Lane - was the state aid 827 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 644: SR 823 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 645: SR 824 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 646: SR 825 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 647: SR 338 (old SR 22)
  • FAS 648: MacKenzie Lane Yerington (old SR 2C)
  • FAS 649: SR 829 (old SR 22) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 650: SR 822 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 651: Fort Churchill Road (old SR 2B)/Six Mile Canyon Road (old SR 79)
  • FAS 652: SR 341 (old SR 17)
  • FAS 653: SR 828 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 654: SR 321
  • FAS 655-660: ?
  • FAS 661: SR 361 (old SR 23)
  • FAS 662: SR 360 (old SR 10)
  • FAS 663: ?
  • FAS 664: SR 359 (old SR 31)
  • FAS 665-670: ?
  • FAS 671: SR 377 (old SR 69)
  • FAS 672: SR 378 (old SR 70)
  • FAS 673: SR 318 (old SR 38)
  • FAS 674: SR 373 (old SR 29)
  • FAS 675: SR 374 (old SR 58)
  • FAS 676: SR 379 (old SR 20)
  • FAS 677: SR 372 (old SR 52)
  • FAS 678: ?
  • FAS 679: ?
  • FAS 680: SR 722 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering? or was only part of it FAS 680, becoming some other number before it was combined with state aid 722?
  • FAS 681: SR 102 (old SR 65) - now SR 513
  • FAS 682: ?
  • FAS 683: SR 512 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 512?
  • FAS 684: SR 511 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 511?/SR 101? - now SR 516
  • FAS 685: SR 100 - now SR 525?/SR 531
  • FAS 686: SR 518 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 518?
  • FAS 687: SR 520 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 520?
  • FAS 688: SR 101? - now SR 516
  • FAS 689: SR 101? - now SR 516
  • FAS 690: ?
  • FAS 691: SR 397/Reservation Road/Carpenter Road (old SR 59)
  • FAS 692: Westfall Road Lovelock
  • FAS 693: SR 398 (old SR 66)
  • FAS 694: SR 854 (old SR 48) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 695: Tungsten Road Mill City
  • FAS 696: Loorz Road/Holmstrom Road/Kruse Road Lovelock
  • FAS 697: ?
  • FAS 698: Main Street Imlay
  • FAS 699: SR 856 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 700: SR 397
  • FAS 701: ?
  • FAS 702: Peckham Lane Reno (old SR 64) - is SR 655 correct for this?
  • FAS 703: SR 445/SR 880 (old SR 33) - was the state aid 880 portion removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 704: SR 445 (old SR 32)
  • FAS 705: SR 648 (old SR 33B) - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 648? maybe SR 476?
  • FAS 706: Mayberry Drive/Hunter Lake Drive/California Avenue Reno
  • FAS 707: Longley Lane Reno
  • FAS 708: SR 433? (combined with FAU 671)
  • FAS 709: SR 877 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 710: SR 447 (old SR 34)/CR 447 (old SR 81)
  • FAS 711: SR 646 (old SR 32A?) - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 646? maybe SR 474?
  • FAS 712: Truckee Lane/Queen Way Sparks
  • FAS 713: Moana Lane/Plymouth Street Reno (old SR 33A)
  • FAS 714: Plumb Lane/Arlington Avenue/Urban Road Reno
  • FAS 715: Mill Street Reno
  • FAS 716: SR 667 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 667? maybe SR 470?
  • FAS 717: ?
  • FAS 718: ?
  • FAS 719: SR 431 (old SR 27)
  • FAS 720: SR 442 (Sullivan Lane) (old SR 32A?)
  • FAS 721: Lakeside Drive Reno
  • FAS 722: Stanford Way Sparks
  • FAS 723: SR 878 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 724: ?
  • FAS 725: Delucchi Lane/Gardens Drive Reno
  • FAS 726: SR 443
  • FAS 727: SR 663 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 663? maybe SR 477?
  • FAS 728: ?
  • FAS 729: ?
  • FAS 730: SR 28 (old SR 28)
  • FAS 731: SR 485 (old SR 44)
  • FAS 732: SR 487 (old SR 73)
  • FAS 733: SR 894 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 734: SR 489 (old SR 35)
  • FAS 735: SR 486
  • FAS 736: SR 490?
  • FAS 737: Schellbourne-east (old SR 2)
  • FAS 738: SR 488 (old SR 74)
  • FAS 739: SR 893 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 740: road to Ward Mountain Ski Hill
  • FAS 741-800: ?
  • FAS 801: US 95A Yerington - later became FAP 10
  • FAS 802: SR 375 (old SR 25)
  • FAS 803: River Street/Pike Street Dayton (old SR 2A before realignment)
  • FAS 804: SR 339
  • FAS 805: SR 400 (old SR 50)
  • FAS 806: SR 150
  • FAS 807: ?
  • FAS 808: SR 399 (old SR 48)
  • FAS 809: SR 168 (old SR 7) - originally part of FAS 544
  • FAS 810: ?
  • FAS 811: SR 827 (old SR 2C) - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?
  • FAS 812: SR 158
  • FAS 813: SR 396
  • FAS 814: Green Valley Parkway Las Vegas
  • FAS 815: SR 612 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 612?
  • FAS 816: ?
  • FAS 817: Jungo Road (old SR 48/SR 49)
  • FAS 818: ?
  • FAS 819: ?
  • FAS 820: SR 650 - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 650?
  • FAS 821: Hash Lane (now McCarran Boulevard) Reno
  • FAS 822: SR 430 (old SR 3 before realignment)
  • FAS 823: SR 429 (old SR 3 before realignment)
  • FAS 824: SR 599 (old SR 5 before realignment)/SR 579 (old SR 5A) - did this have an earlier number that was combined with FAU 579 and FAU 599?
  • FAS 825-827: ?
  • FAS 828: SR 152
  • FAS 829: SR 153
  • FAS 830: ?
  • FAS 831: SR 159
  • FAS 832-837: ?
  • FAS 838: SR 796 - was this removed from FAS before the renumbering?