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Last updated: 01:50, 5 April 2023 (UTC)

E-roads are combined into one "country".

Code Country List Category Shields Wikidata Imported? # Potential # Avg quality Infobox RJL Notes
Europe International E-road network International E-road network Diagrams of European road signs Europe/E-Roads Yes 230 230 Start-C Yes
Europe Trans-European Motorways No No Yes 1 1
Europe Pan European Corridors Pan European Corridors No No Yes 9 9
EUR European Union Trans-European Transport Network Trans-European Transport Network No No Yes 10? 10?
ALB Albania Highways in Albania Roads in Albania Diagrams of route signs of Albania Albania No 10 100 Stub Yes No
AND Andorra Roads in Andorra Diagrams of route signs of Andorra Andorra Yes 2 2 Stub Yes No
ARM Armenia Roads in Armenia Diagrams of route signs of Armenia Armenia No 0 100
AUT Austria Autobahns of Austria Autobahns in Austria Diagrams of route signs of Austria Austria No 25 1,110 Stub Yes List
AZE Azerbaijan Roads in Azerbaijan Roads in Azerbaijan Diagrams of route signs of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan No 3 8 Stub Yes No Not including E-roads
BLR Belarus Roads in Belarus Roads in Belarus Diagrams of route signs of Belarus Belarus No 5 30 Stub Yes Table
BEL Belgium List of motorways in Belgium Roads in Belgium Diagrams of route signs of Belgium Belgium No 30 1,100 Stub Yes List
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina Roads in Bosnia and Herzegovina Diagrams of route signs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina No 5 85 Stub Yes Table close to RJL Renumbering made a mess
BGR Bulgaria Highways in Bulgaria Roads in Bulgaria Diagrams of route signs of Bulgaria Bulgaria No 50 70 Stub Yes Table
HRV Croatia Highways in Croatia Highways in Croatia Diagrams of route signs of Croatia Croatia No 200 200 Stub-Start / GA-A Yes Some proprietary
CYP Cyprus Roads and motorways in Cyprus Motorways and roads in Cyprus Diagrams of route signs of Cyprus Cyprus No 11 25 Stub Yes No
CZE Czech Republic Highways in the Czech Republic Roads in the Czech Republic Diagrams of route signs of the Czech Republic Czech Republic No 20 130 Stub Yes No Only D, class I counted
DNK Denmark Motorways in Denmark Roads in Denmark Diagrams of route signs of Denmark Denmark No 10 300 Stub No List
EST Estonia Highways in Estonia Roads in Estonia Diagrams of route signs of Estonia Estonia No 12 85 Stub Yes List Not including E roads
FRO Faroe Islands No No No 0 100
FIN Finland Highways in Finland Roads in Finland Diagrams of route signs of Finland Finland No 45 450 Stub Yes No
FRA France Roads in France Diagrams of route signs of France France No 150 350 Stub Yes Proprietary A/RN only, unclear if all Ds are notable
GEO Georgia Autoroutes of Georgia Roads in Georgia (country) Diagrams of route signs of Georgia Georgia Yes 15 15 C Yes Table Excluding E roads
DEU Germany List of federal highways in Germany Roads in Germany Diagrams of route signs of Germany Germany No 275 6,300 Stub Yes Table
GIB Gibraltar Winston Churchill Avenue, Gibraltar Europe No 1 1 Stub Yes No Only notable road
GRC Greece List of Greek roads Roads in Greece Diagrams of highway signs of Greece Greece No 100 140 Stub Yes Some table
GGY Guernsey No No 0 0 No formal system
GRL Greenland Road transport in Greenland No No 0 0
HUN Hungary Highways in Hungary Highways in Hungary Diagrams of route signs of Hungary Hungary No 64 130 Stub Yes Table
ISL Iceland Roads in Iceland Roads in Iceland Diagrams of route signs of Iceland Iceland No 25 420 Stub Yes No
IRL Ireland Roads in Ireland Roads in Ireland Diagrams of route signs of Ireland Ireland No 695 695 Start-C Yes UK
IMN Isle of Man List of roads in the Isle of Man Roads in the Isle of Man Diagrams of route signs of the United Kingdom United Kingdom No 1 50 Start Yes No Many got merged away wrongly
ITA Italy Autostrade of Italy Roads in Italy Diagrams of route signs of Italy Italy No 125 730 Stub Yes Proprietary Regionals and lower not in full count
JEY Jersey Roads in Jersey Roads in Jersey Diagrams of route signs of the United Kingdom United Kingdom No 4 15 Stub Yes No
KOS Kosovo Roads in Kosovo Roads in Kosovo Diagrams of route signs of Kosovo Kosovo No 3 75 Stub Yes Proprietary Not including streets, E, Albania road
LVA Latvia List of National Roads in Latvia Roads in Latvia Diagrams of route signs of Latvia Latvia No 12 150 Stub Yes Table
LIE Liechtenstein Diagrams of route signs of Switzerland No No 0 0 Some overlap with Switzerland road network
LTU Lithuania Transport in Lithuania Roads in Lithuania Diagrams of route signs of Lithuania Lithuania No 13 13 Stub Yes No
LUX Luxembourg List of motorways in Luxembourg Roads in Luxembourg Diagrams of route signs of Luxembourg Luxembourg No 12 100 Stub Yes Proprietary
MLT Malta Roads in Malta No Europe Yes 0 0 All crammed into one list
MDA Moldova Roads in Moldova Roads in Moldova Diagrams of route signs of Moldova Moldova No 5 60 Stub Yes No
MCO Monaco No No 0 0
MNE Montenegro Motorways in Montenegro Roads in Montenegro Diagrams of route signs of Montenegro Montenegro No 50 50 Stub Yes Yes
NLD Netherlands Roads in the Netherlands Roads in the Netherlands Diagrams of route signs of the Netherlands Netherlands No 115 600 Stub-Start Yes Yes
MKD North Macedonia Motorways in North Macedonia Roads in North Macedonia Diagrams of route signs of North Macedonia North Macedonia No 4 4 Stub Yes No
NOR Norway Roads in Norway Diagrams of route signs of Norway Norway No 110 785 Stub Yes No
POL Poland Highways in Poland Roads in Poland Diagrams of route signs of Poland Poland No 100 1,050 Stub Yes Proprietary
PRT Portugal Roads in Portugal Roads in Portugal Diagrams of highway number signs of Portugal Portugal Yes 15 15 Stub Yes No Unclear if all N/Rs are notable
ROU Romania Roads in Romania Roads in Romania Diagrams of route signs of Romania Romania No 30 235 Stub Yes Table Excluding DJ for now
RUS Russia Russian federal highways Roads in Russia Diagrams of route signs of Russia Russia No 65 125 Stub Yes No
SMR San Marino San Marino Highway Europe No 1 1 Stub Yes No
SRB Serbia Highways in Serbia Roads in Serbia Diagrams of route signs of Serbia Serbia No 80 80 Stub Yes No
SVK Slovakia Highways in Slovakia Roads in Slovakia Diagrams of road number signs of Slovakia Slovakia No 15 100 Stub Yes No
SVN Slovenia Highways in Slovenia Highways in Slovenia Diagrams of route signs of Slovenia Slovenia No 6 35 Stub Yes List/RJL Unclear if all R are notable
ESP Spain List of national roads in Spain Roads in Spain Diagrams of road number signs of Spain Spain Yes 230 230 Stub Yes No National only; unclear if all state highways are notable
SWE Sweden Swedish national road Roads in Sweden Diagrams of route signs of Sweden Sweden No 30 330 Stub Yes No
CHE Switzerland Motorways of Switzerland Motorways in Switzerland Diagrams of route signs of Switzerland Switzerland No 20 80 Stub Yes Imported format
TUR Turkey List of highways in Turkey Highways in Turkey Diagrams of route signs of Turkey Turkey No 50 125 Stub Yes Table, close to RJL
UKR Ukraine State Highways (Ukraine) Roads in Ukraine Diagrams of route signs of Ukraine Ukraine No 70 140 Stub Yes Table
GBR United Kingdom Lists of roads in the United Kingdom Roads in the United Kingdom Diagrams of route signs of the United Kingdom United Kingdom No 2,160 2,160 Stub Yes UK Many out of scope articles, RJL issues, many articles merged away
VAT Vatican City No No 0 0 No notable roads