Darkcore, Snickerdo, Grutness, Grstain, Bearcat, Spmarshall42, Everyking, CrazyC83, Bjhtn, Bluebot, GoldDragon, Smoothtofu, JoeBot, SPUI, Freakofnurture, Raccoon Fox, Bacl-presby, P199, GabrielPere, Lucky13pjn, Lexicon, Szhaider, CmdrObot, Ed g2s, Analogue Kid, Colonies Chris, The Canadian Roadgeek, RingtailedFox, TwinsMetsFan, IronGargoyle, NE2, Dl2000, SmackBot, Exit2DOS2000, Rufus843, Cydebot, Brett, The Tom, Discospinster, TheHYPO, GoHuskies990411, Mindmatrix, Rschen7754, Lightbot, Psbsub, Hmains, SimonP, DrilBot, LucienBOT, Jstreutker, Floydian, Sasquatch4510, Xeno, Alaney2k, ScottMHoward, Imzadi1979, DennisIsMe, H3llBot, Haljackey, SoxBot, TheAllstarMan, Elzinga.byron, Eja2k, CitationCleanerBot, Raellerby, Grondemar, Secondarywaltz, Wikid77, Addbot, Khazar2, Jonesey95, NJRobbie, Bellagio99, Comp25, JJMC89, Transportfan70, Dmbs223, GreenC bot, Dough4872, Bender the Bot, JohnBlackburne, InternetArchiveBot, BrandonXLF, FobTown, John of Reading, Username689, Username6892, Monkbot, Citation bot, NASCARfan0548, OrdinaryScarlett, Zachary77F, Eddie891, Justinator191, AManWithNoPlan, JayTheMenerd, Cewbot, BrownHairedGirl, Rlink2, Dewritech, AlphaBeta135, Kingdom of Baustralia, Blablubbs, ಮಲ್ನಾಡಾಚ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೊ, Jelite, LilianaUwU, Anonymous editors: 42.