Pcb21, The Anome, Morwen, Zoney, Tagishsimon, Kate, Chris j wood, Thomas Blomberg, Justinbb, Guy Hatton, Simply south, MRSC, Badudoy, DavidCane, Regan123, JameiLei, SmackBot, SilkTork, Umbongo91, Kbthompson, Anchor Link Bot, Brian C. Chao, Jpbowen, Ivanberti, Evrik, Colin4C, ArtVandelay13, Rumping, DumZiBoT, Edward, Rjwilmsi, Nono64, Lightbot, Amol.Gaitonde, RentaCenta, Nbarth, WereSpielChequers, Djsubtronic, Jeni, Dpaajones, Slakko, Mixsynth, Boleyn2, Jamesinderbyshire, MystBot, Yobot, Mannybutch, LilHelpa, ClueBot NG, Le Deluge, Dickonprior, SeanLegassick, Cydebot, Justgravy, Dl2000, Gareth Griffith-Jones, Addbot, Qr189, Tpbradbury, Martarius, WisDom-UK, ArmbrustBot, Paul W, Amakuru, Ram Janma, Ham II, Niceguyedc, Cyberbot II, Crookesmoor, Davey2010, PKT, GreenC bot, Leutha, DuncanHill, InternetArchiveBot, Tfel63, Useddenim, Imzadi1979, Monkbot, Bender the Bot, JuguangXiao, Rodw, Ntmamgtw, Isochrone, TobyJ, The Streif, Smjg, GrindtXX, Lord Cornwallis, Dawnseeker2000, Ntmr, 10mmsocket, Jmmolenick, Anonymous editors: 25.