Ap, Mkweise, DesertSteve, Poor Yorick, Pclancey, Jerzy, Mic, Phys, Stewartadcock, Michael Snow, Fwappler, Template namespace initialisation script, Brim, CanisRufus, Grammarbot, WouterBot, Neutrality, Dtobias, Ae-a, Jredmond, Zeimusu, Rich Farmbrough, Arcadian, R7, Zootsuits, Chris53516, Peter S., 16@r, Pascal666, Michael Hardy, Spaceman3750, Interiot, IanManka, Fresheneesz, Caerwine, Ambrosia-, Mwtoews, Verkhovensky, Uk-Kamelot, Argyriou, CeeGee, SaxTeacher, Saibod, Flamingrok3, Luna Santin, Qxz, NikolaiLobachevsky, Biancasimone, Pimpydiddy, Smalljim, AlmostReadytoFly, Peter Horn, GentlemanGhost, Tigerhuckel, Bencherlite, Dahliarose, Dysmorodrepanis~enwiki, Tabletop, Rexparry sydney, Shantavira, SieBot, Schreini, Avenged Eightfold, Missionary, Addshore, DougsTech, Onceonthisisland, Romaine, Kubajzz, Robinatron, MarkusHagenlocher, Ary29, Alex:D, Felix Folio Secundus, The 888th Avatar, Bermicourt, PigFlu Oink, Kjkolb, Wizard191, CXCV, Jojhutton, AyTaySheia Chaires, PhilKnight, Doorway247, GB fan, James Fryer, Thijs!bot, VolkovBot, Botteville, R'n'B, Szijlstr, ClueBot NG, Saga City, Luckas-bot, Ponpopl, Pdcook, Snotbot, Schojoha, Fuc1me, Bagumba, Hebrides, Victor Yus, DanHobley, Addbot, Xezbeth, Jim Derby, PJTraill, Sonny2015, Mean as custard, Lagoset, Plantdrew, ZeniffMartineau, Bongwarrior, Gilliam, Hermann Butter, Babitaarora, Osk the boss, Mz7, Tassedethe, Boots34, General Ization, BG19bot, À la 雞, Sundayclose, Geraldo Perez, Swpb, Rothorpe, Non-dropframe, TheKaphox, Florian Blaschke, My objective, ClemRutter, Kpalion, Lopifalko, Cnilep, Uanfala, 72, DavidBrooks, An Errant Knight, Blablubbs, Maxeto0910, Smartse, Buidhe, Sandstein, Thryduulf, Matthiaspaul, Tpreu, Cocobb8, FatCat96, Anonymous editors: 66.