Notinasnaid, Norm, Ahoerstemeier, Nashikawa, Camerong, Icairns, JBellis, Mibblepedia, Laurel Bush, Whobot, Sim man, Mais oui!, Cynical, Edward, TreveX, Regan123, Njlawley, The Rambling Man, RapidAssistant, SmackBot, Matchmakeralan, RDGreg, Sceptre, Signalhead, LUNDAVRA, AndrewHowse, Nono64, Rich Farmbrough, Mauls, Jeni, Johnhousefriday, The Anomebot2, Rodhullandemu, Thumperward, Ergateesuk, Acalamari, FrescoBot, Ben MacDui, Rschen7754, Yobot, Cydebot, David Biddulph, ZéroBot, Lewismiller21, Delta 51, Djfsb, Dl2000, NewTestLeper79, Addbot, Ritchie333, AnomieBOT, Saga City, Martinvl, Dementia13, Colonies Chris, Pigsonthewing, Ericoides, Tabletop, Citation bot, Imzadi1979, Freakmighty, BG19bot, Enterprisey, Technopat, RjwilmsiBot, Nyttend, Carsaig, Jellyman, Trappist the monk, Hmains, Magioladitis, InnyMac, Viewfinder, Frietjes, ChipperLes, Tassedethe, DeFacto, Bender the Bot, 0308682m, Springchickensoup, GreenC bot, Sagaciousphil, Zzuuzz, SporkBot, Legobot, Pmcm, KolbertBot, InternetArchiveBot, Mahagaja, Tegraman, Monkbot, DannyS712, Archon 2488, Williamsdoritios, Eastwood Park and strabane, EcheveriaJ, Tom.Reding, Crowsus, CommanderInDubio, Robby, Fredddie, Arjayay, Benfskye1, Dawnseeker2000, BrownHairedGirl, Rlink2, Roads4117, Staffordshire Terrier, Seasider53, Bkell, Rupples, Stroness, Ollyhinge11, Anonymous editors: 34.