Robbot, RossA, Hadal, Brockert, RedWolf, Topbanana, Docu, Icairns, Steinsky, Susvolans, Rich Farmbrough, Martpol, Mike s, Paul W, Whobot, Peter Shearan, Redlentil, MRSC, DabMachine, Mais oui!, HillValleyTelegraph, CarolGray, Bluebot, SilkTork, Thomas Blomberg, SR Bryant, JMF, Saga City, Achmelvic, Ken Gallager, Ukeu, Ttwaring, Lofty, Lumos3, JackyR, Screen42, Regan123, Think outside the box, Rugheads Facts, MapsMan, Davewild, Andy Smith, Thiseye, Kbthompson, Editore99, Coolhawks88, SmackBot, Cnbrb, Sceptre, Alcuin, Dollytheledge, Al Lemos, Kentem, HighKing, Freakmighty, Hamilton365, NE2, Nono64, Kmay, WOSlinker, Mauls, Jeni, Colin4C, Mazca, John, BrownHairedGirl, Dekimasu, Zundark, Mixsynth, Rjwilmsi, CommonsDelinker, The Anomebot2, Deor, Tabletop, Thparkth, Yobot, Hesky10, Chris the speller, ZéroBot, PeterEastern, Fluffernutter, Tim!, R'n'B, ClueBot NG, The wub, NoseyFruitcake3, John of Reading, Theposhbloke, PhnomPencil, CmdrObot, DavidAnstiss, Synthebot, Dl2000, Baldy Bill, Addbot, Justgravy, Rcsprinter123, Martarius, Mogism, Filedelinkerbot, Frungle, BG19bot, Niceguyedc, Cyberbot II, TGC55, WereSpielChequers, GreenC bot, InternetArchiveBot, Grondemar, Cydebot, Jdcooper, Tfel63, Wire723, Koncorde, Crookesmoor, RichardHC, AnomieBOT, Monkbot, Gareth Griffith-Jones, Robby, Ehrenkater, DavidCane, Ferien, WongSeo, Bender the Bot, Tom.Reding, Vjosullivan, Dawnseeker2000, Citation bot, Fredddie, Sumanuil, Sahaib, Mx. Granger, AlphaBeta135, Matthewshill, Ira Leviton, DPL bot, Rodw, Roads4117, Imzadi1979, Prosperosity, R. Henrik Nilsson, Anonymous editors: 53.