RedWolf, Norm, Modster, Steinsky, Susvolans, SPUI, Andycjp, Franz-kafka, Whobot, Adicarlo, Bluebot, RussBot, RJP, Mark83, Mais oui!, Bedders, Saga City, Bethling, STBot, Regan123, Chris the speller, Jkmitchell, Njlawley, MapsMan, Dupont Circle, SmackBot, Scunny rock, RDGreg, Keith D, NE2, Snigbrook, Squids and Chips, Sceptre, ClueBot, Ahoerstemeier, Chrisieboy, Jaraalbe, Gaius Cornelius, Lightbot, Nono64, Nsaa, Mauls, AndrewHowse, SUL, Gilliam, Brunnian, Abc26324, Mixsynth, Life of Riley, Fenland Trucker, Imzadi1979, DBD, Nick Number, Sidasta, AnomieBOT, FrescoBot, Nedrutland, Welsh, Mahahahaneapneap, PamD, Chowbok, MOTORAL1987, Dl2000, LatchWits, Yobot, Lotje, Rcsprinter123, Robert EA Harvey, Magioladitis, John of Reading, Vanisaac, AussieLegend, Graham.Fountain, AussieLegend2, GreatWhiteNortherner, Niceguyedc, Cyberbot II, Strolls, The joy of all things, Schwede66, GreenC, InternetArchiveBot, GreenC bot, WOSlinker, KolbertBot, Supreme Chancellor, Cydebot, Monkbot, Strickesel, Bender the Bot, TechGoblin, Mr Harry Masters, Acroterion, Macxsvio, Robby, Gamingmoor, SailingInABathTub, Govercon, J22carter, Iridescent 2, Fredddie, Keith-264, FBryz, Bogger, Citation bot, Roads4117, Dormskirk, Matthewshill, Rodw, Losipov, Onel5969, Bookleo, Anonymous editors: 38.