AARoads:United States/Washington/1909 laws

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[94] CHAPTER 51. [H. B. 100.] PROVIDING FOR SURVEY OF CERTAIN STATE ROADS. AN ACT providing for the survey of certain proposed state roads, and state road extensions, by the State Highway Commissioner, and a report on the feasibility of the same. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington:

[something is missing here]

[95] roads, and to make a report of all facts concerning the same to the legislature of the State of Washington.

1st. Extension over the most feasible route of State Road No. 7 westerly through the town of Renton and along the shore of Lake Washington to the city of Seattle and easterly to the city of Spokane.

2nd. Extension over the most feasible route of State Road No. 5 westerly through the city of Chehalis to the cities of South Bend in Pacific county and Aberdeen in Chehalis county, and easterly to the city of Pullman in Whitman county.

3rd. Extension over the most feasible route of State Road No. 8 westerly to the city of Vancouver and easterly to the city of Walla Walla and thence to the eastern boundary of Asotin county.

4th. A north and south trunk road beginning at the city of Blaine in Whatcom county; thence southerly by the most feasible route through the principal cities of the sound to the city of Vancouver in Clark county.

5th. A north and south trunk road beginning at a point on the northern boundary of Ferry county, running thence along the most feasible route to the eastern boundary of the state in the southern part of Whitman county.

6th. A road beginning at a point on the proposed extension of State Road No. 7 in the vicinity of Cle Elum in Kittitas county, leading thence as nearly as practicable along the Yakima valley to an intersection with the proposed extension of State Road No. 8 in Benton county.

7th. A road beginning at Kelso in Cowlitz county and leading along the most feasible route through Wahkiakum and Pacific counties to a point in the vicinity of South Bend in Pacific county.

8th. A road beginning at Alder in Pierce county and extending easterly and southerly to a point on State Road No. 5 in Lewis county in the vicinity of Cosmos.

9th. A road beginning at Metaline in Stevens county and extending by the most feasible route northerly and westerly through Northport, and thence southerly and westerly to Orient in Ferry county.

[96] 10th. A road beginning at a point in Lincoln county, opposite the mouth of the San Poil river in Ferry county, county. and extending southerly to Wilbur, Washington, the same being an extension of State Road No. 4.

Passed by the House February 10, 1909. Passed by the Senate February 24, 1909. Approved March 4, 1909.

[111] CHAPTER 61. [H. B. 186.] ESTABLISHING STATE ROADS. AN ACT providing for the establishment of certain state roads. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington:

SECTION 1. The following described roads having been examined and all surveys necessary to a determination as to their feasibility and utility having been made by the State Highway Commissioner under the provisions of chapter 116, Laws of Washington, AD 1907, and the report of the State Highway Commissioner being favorable, the same are hereby declared to be state roads and shall he known and described as hereinafter set forth.

[something is missing here, including:] [State Road No. 14, or the Hood Canal road, --- I can't find the text but it was US 101 roughly between Hoodsport and Duckabush]

[112] [State Road No. 15,] or the Lewis River road, beginning at Woodland in Cowlitz County and running thence up the north bank of Lewis river, following as nearly as practicable the county road, and continuing to the mouth of the Big Muddy, a tributary of Lewis river in Skamania county.

State Road No. 16, or the Garfield-Asotin road, beginning at a point where the county road intersects the north line of the northeast quarter of section 4 in township 9 north, range 42 east, W. M., in Garfield county and running thence in a southerly course by the most feasible route along the divide between the Tucannon river and Pataha creek and the divide between the Tucannon river and Asotin creek to the summit of the Blue mountains, near what is known as Summit Springs; thence by the most feasible route southerly to the divide between Wenatchee and Grouse creeks, thence following the divide southwesterly to the Asotin county road near the upper crossing of Grouse creek at or near the line between sections 5 and 6 in township 6 north, range 43 east, W. M., in Asotin county, Washington.

State Road No. 17, or the Island-Skagit road, the same being a road and two bridges crossing the United States Military Reservations Nos. 14 and 15 and connecting the county roads of Island and Skagit counties.

Passed by the House February 9th, 1909. Passed by the Senate March 1st, 1909. Approved March 6, 1909.

[190] CHAPTER 92. [SB 367.] ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STATE ROADS. AN ACT providing for the establishment of certain state roads. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington:

SECTION 1. The following described roads having been examined and all surveys necessary to a determination as to their feasibility and utility have been made by the State Highway Commissioner under the provisions of Chapter 116, Laws of Washington, A. D., and the report of the Highway Commissioner being favorable, the same are hereby declared to be state roads and shall be known and described as hereinafter set forth.

SEC. 2. Lincoln county extension of State Road No. 4, the same being a road beginning at the mouth of the Sans Poil river on the north bank of the Columbia river in Ferry county, and extending thence southerly by the most practicable route to the town of Wilbur on the Central Washington Railroad in Lincoln county, Washington.

State Road No. 18, beginning at Alder in Pierce county and running in a southerly direction by the way of Elbe to a point in State Road No. 5 near Kosmos in Lewis county.

Extension over the existing county roads of State Road No. 7 westerly to Renton, and thence to and along the [west shore of Lake Washington to the city of Seattle, and the extension of State Road No. 7 easterly by the way of Swauk and Peshastin creeks and the Wenatchee Valley to the city of Wenatchee; thence to a point on the sixth standard parallel north in Douglas county near the town of Waterville; thence easterly over the existing county road as nearly as practicable through the towns of Coulee City and Wilbur and the city of Spokane to] [191] the Idaho line at the point where it intersects the north bank of the Spokane river.

Passed by the Senate March 5, 1909. Passed by the House March 10, 1909. Approved March 13, 1909.