AARoads:United States/Virginia/Laws

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  • 1918 ch. 10
  • 1918 ch. 346 (Millwood to WV)
  • 1922 ch. 163 (South Hill to NC)
  • 1922 ch. 316 (complete redescription, but didn't include either addition)
  • 1923 ch. 163: An Act to amend and re-enact section 25 of an act entitled "An act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to establish the State highway system, approved January 31, 1918, as amended and re-enacted by an act approved March 20, 1922. [S B 45] Approved April 3, 1923
  • 1924 ch. 261: An Act to amend and re-enact sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to establish the State highway system, approved January 31, 1918, and to establish a perpetual memorial to Robert Edward Lee, approved March 20, 1922. [S B 97] Approved March 14, 1924
  • 1926 ch. 4: An Act to amend and re-enact sections 24 and 26 of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to establish the State highway system, approved January 31, 1918, and to establish a perpetual memorial to Robert Edward Lee, approved March 20, 1922. [S B 41] Approved January 29, 1926
  • 1926 ch. 563: An Act to amend and re-enact section 1 of an act entitled an act to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to establish the State highway system, approved January 31, 1918, and to establish a perpetual memorial to Robert Edward Lee, approved March 20, 1922, as amended by an act approved March 14, 1924. [H B 238] Approved March 29, 1926
  • 1928 ch. 751
  • 1938 ch. 329

Other laws (incomplete list):

Chap. 102.—An Act providing for maintenance by the State Highway Commission of a certain section of county system road. [H B 109]

Approved March 24, 1923

Whereas, on the -------- day of February, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia located route number twenty-three, of the State highway system, between Floyd Court House and the town of Christiansburg, in Montgomery county, by the western route, known as the River Route, from which decision of the commissioner certain citizens of Montgomery county appealed to the Highway Commission of Virginia, upon which appeal the location and decision of the highway commission was affirmed; and,

Whereas this action of the State highway commission constitutes a permanent location; and,

Whereas afterwards certain citizens of Montgomery county applied to the circuit court of Montgomery county for an injunction enjoining and restraining the highway commission from constructing said route number twenty-three, by way of Riner, in which suit, evidence was taken and proceedings had; and,

Whereas on the -------- day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, the circuit court of Montgomery county, decided that that part of route number twenty-three, which lies between Floyd county line and the town of Christiansburg, had, prior to the -------- day of February, nineteen hundred and twenty-two, been already located by the State highway commissioner by way of the eastern route, known as the Pilot route; and,

Whereas, pursuant to this decision, the circuit court of Montgomery county perpetually enjoined and restrained the State Highway Commission from improving or expending the State's money on that part of route number twenty-three, which lies between Montgomery county line and Christiansburg by way of Riner, from which decision of the circuit court of Montgomery county, the said State Highway Commissioner of Virginia is now appealing; and,

Whereas, the result of the above described situation is that pending such litigation, the highway commission of Virginia cannot legally improve and maintain either route through the county of Floyd; and,

Whereas, the counties of Floyd and Roanoke have expended large sums of money in improving and grading the route between Floyd courthouse and Starkey Station in the county of Roanoke by way of Bent mountain; now, therefore, to the end that the citizens of Floyd county may have some road maintained by the State, by which they may have ingress and egress,

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission of Virginia is empowered and instructed to take over, for maintenance, those sections of the county highway known as the Bent mountain route, which connects route number three of the State highway system at a point near Starkey, in Roanoke county, with route number twenty-three of the State highway system, at a point near Floyd Court House, in Floyd county, Virginia, the expenses thereof to be paid for out of the same fund and in the same manner as provided by law for the maintenance of roads included in the State highway system.

But as soon after the termination of such litigation as the highway commission may deem best the maintenance of such road shall cease.

Chap. 262.—An Act to change the location of route No. 102 and eliminate the name of Effna on route No. 26 of the State highway system, and to provide that the said route No. 102 shall be known as the Johnson route. [S B 263]

Approved March 14, 1924

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That route number one hundred and two of the State highway system, which route was established June eighth, nineteen hundred and twenty-three, and which now intersects with State road number ten and leads by way of State aid highway number eight through Wadlow Gap to the Tennessee line, shall be changed, and said route number one hundred and two shall begin at an intersection of State highway number ten at Steel bridge, known as Johnson bridge in Moccasin Gap, Scott county, Virginia, and lead by way of Wilhelm bridge to the Tennessee line, a distance of approximately three miles. This route shall be called the Johnson route and shall be known in the State system as number one hundred and two, and provided further, that the name Effna, on State highway route number twenty-six from Wytheville to Bland, be eliminated.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 124.—An Act to authorize the State highway commission to relocate route 10 of the State highway system, near the easterly approach to the corporate limits of the city of Bristol, in Washington county; and route 12 from a point on Iron mountain north of Troutdale in Grayson county, through Dickey's creek gap to a point at or near to Sugar Grove in Smyth county and thence down—Rye valley. [S B 106]

Approved March 9, 1926

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia as follows:

Section 1. That the State highway commission be and it is hereby authorized to re-locate route ten of the State highway system, commencing at a point on route ten as now located, approximately two miles easterly from the eastern corporate limits of the city of Bristol, in Washington county, Virginia, and thence to the corporate limits of said city of Bristol over such route as may be determined by the State highway commission. [1929-06 meeting: along Euclid Avenue]

Section 2. That the State highway commission be and it is hereby authorized in its discretion to relocate route twelve of the State highway system commencing at a point on the Iron Mountain in Grayson county north of Troutdale to be determined by the said commission thence through Dickey's Creek gap to a point at or near Sugar Grove in Smyth county, thence down the Rye valley over such route as may be determined by the State highway commission, and reconnect with route twelve.

Section 3. In making the re-locations herein provided for, the State highway commission shall proceed as is prescribed by law for the location and establishment of route to be followed by the roads comprising the State highway system between the points designated in the act establishing said system.

Section 4. When and if the re-locations herein authorized are made, the sections of said roads as re-located shall be and become parts of the respective routes of the State highway system, and when the said sections of road are opened to traffic the sections of route ten and route three, otherwise known as route thirty-three[sic], as now established between the points covered in said re-locations shall cease to be parts of the State highway system.

Chap. 168.-An Act authorizing the State Highway Commission to accept as a part of route number eighteen, a certain road lying and being between a point near Lovingston and a point near Colleen, in Nelson county, Virginia. [H B 362]

Approved March 17, 1926

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the State highway commission be, and is hereby authorized to accept as a part of the State highway system a road leading direct from a point approximately one-half mile south of Lovingston, in Nelson county, to a point approximately two and one-half miles north of Colleen, in said county, in accordance with a survey made by the State highway commission, which when macadamized and completed, shall be in lieu of the present route between these points.

2. But noting[sic] in this act shall be construed as an abandonment of the present macadam road, as a public road between the above points.

3. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 293.—An Act to extend the powers of the State highway commission in relocating or changing the location and establishment of certain parts of the State highway system located by said commission, but not actually constructed. [S B 84]

Approved March 24, 1926

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That in any case where the part of the route of any part of the State highway system between the State line and the point nearest thereto named in the act creating the State highway system, has been located and established by the State highway commission, but not actually constructed, such commission shall have the power at any time before such part of such route is actually constructed to change and relocate such part of such route so far as may be necessary to connect said highway system at the State line with a hard surfaced road in an adjoining State, this act shall apply to the county of Halifax only. [in other words, they were allowed to relocate SR 18 south of South Boston]

Chap. 5.—An Act in relation to routes number two hundred and thirty-two and number three hundred and eleven of the State highway system.

Approved February 8, 1928

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That route number two hundred and thirty-two of the State highway system, in the counties of Roanoke and Floyd, and route number three hundred and eleven of the State highway system, in the counties of Hanover, Caroline and Spotsylvania, which routes have been heretofore declared by law to be parts of the State highway system for purposes of maintenance only, be, and the same are hereby, declared to be parts of the State highway system in full terms of the highway act, establishing the State highway system.

Chap. 231.—An Act declaring the location of routes 351 and 105, as established by the State Highway Commission, under the two and one-half per cent clause, and annulling route 125.

Approved March 16, 1928

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the description of route three hundred and fifty-one shall be from Sussex Courthouse to Homeville.

2. Route one hundred and twenty-five, as heretofore established by the State Highway Commission, is annulled, and route one hundred and five shall continue from a point on route ten at or near Old Glace Springs[sic] to route twelve, near Lodi.

Chap. 243.—An Act declaring annulled the section of route 13, from Totusky bridge to Callao, as established by the State Highway Commission under the two per cent and two and one-half per cent clauses of the law, and re-establishing the same.

Approved March 27, 1928

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the section of route thirteen in Richmond and Northumberland counties, shall run from Warsaw to Callao, and the section from Totusky bridge to Callao is hereby annulled.

Chap. 442.—An Act to establish State route 15 (United States route 121) from the North Carolina line to State route 10 (United States route 11). [H B 189]

Approved March 27, 1930

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That State highway route fifteen (United States route one hundred and twenty-one) shall be designated as follows: North Carolina line, Hillsville to State route ten — approximately eight miles east of Wytheville.

2. As the location of this route, in the judgment of the general assembly, constitutes an emergency, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 448.—An Act providing for a change in the location of a portion of route eighteen of the State highway system, in Nelson county. [S B 366]

Approved March 27, 1930

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the State highway commission be, and it is hereby authorized and directed to re-locate route eighteen of the State highway system from a point at or near Colleen, in Nelson county, to a point at or near Shady Lane (but not more than a mile from either point), which, when macadamized and completed, shall be in lieu of the present route between said points, except that the macadam road from the Lane Ford bridge over Tye river to the said point at or near Shady Lane shall remain a part of the State highway system.

Chap. 48.—An Act to eliminate from the State highway system certain roads in York and Warwick counties taken in on account of the sesqui-centennial celebration at Yorktown, and to provide for the re-allocation by the State highway commission of the mileage thereof. [H B 45]

Approved February 26, 1932

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the sections of roads in York and Warwick counties of approximately thirteen and one-half miles in length taken into the State highway system for improvement on account of the sesqui-centennial celebration at Yorktown be, and they are hereby, eliminated from the State highway system and revert to the same status as immediately before being so taken into the State highway system, and that the State highway commission be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to re-allocate the said mileage under the provisions of chapter five of the Acts of Assembly of nineteen hundred and thirty.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 95.—An Act to change the location of a part of route 49 as added to the State highway system by the State Highway Commission. [H B 136]

Approved March 4, 1932

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That part of route forty-nine, as added to the State highway system by the State highway commission, reading "route thirty-seven near Winfrey ten miles towards Orange county line," be changed so as to read, "from Culpeper towards Orange county line ten miles."

Chap. 210.—An Act to change the location of a part of route 421 as added to the State highway system by the State highway commission. [H B 304]

Approved March 23, 1932

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That that part of route four hundred and twenty-one, located in Henrico and Hanover counties, Virginia, added to the state highway system by the state highway commission, designated "Henrico county—Chamberlayne avenue to the Chickahominy station two and seventy-one hundredths (2.70) miles and Hanover county—Chickahominy river near Chickahominy station northernly towards Hanover court house seven and fifty-three-one hundredths (7.53) miles," be changed so as to read "Richmond northwardly towards Hanover court house."

Chap. 211.—An Act to authorize additions to the location of State highway route 39 in and around the city of Williamsburg. [H B 302]

Approved March 23, 1932

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the State highway commission be, and it is hereby, authorized to make such additions to State highway route number thirty-nine in and around the city of Williamsburg as it may deem necessary or desirable, in relation to the restoration work now being carried on in said city.

Chap. 276.—An Act to authorize and empower the State Highway Commission to re-locate a certain portion of route No. 41 of the State highway system and make connection with route No. 39 at such point as may be selected by the commission. [H B 391]

Approved March 24, 1932

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the State highway commission be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered to make a connection of route number forty-one of the State highway system, with route number thirty-nine at such point thereon as may be determined by the said commission.

Chap. 23.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission to change the location of part of State Highway Route 236 (Formerly Route 711) in Arlington County, Virginia. [H. B. 37]

Approved September 7, 1933

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be, and it is hereby, authorized, in its discretion, to change the location of part of State highway route number two hundred and thirty-six (formerly route number seven hundred and eleven), in Arlington county, Virginia, from a point at or near the intersection of said route with Spruce street extended, around Fort Myer and Arlington cemetery.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 370.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission to change the location of a portion of route 55 between Marshall and Markham. [S B 245]

Approved March 29, 1934

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be, and they are hereby, authorized to make such change in the location of State highway route fifty-five, between Marshall and Markham, as the commission may deem expedient.

Chap. 378.—An Act to designate the location of route No. 190 of the State highway system in Princess Anne county, Virginia.

Approved March 29, 1934

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the location of route number one hundred and ninety of the State highway system, formerly route number five hundred and thirty-six in Princess Anne county, shall be southwardly from the Norfolk county line to a point near Blackwater river, and thence eastwardly across North Landing river to connect with Munden Point road.

Chap. 281.—An Act to delete from the primary system of State highways five miles of route 120 extending southwestwardly from Boone Mill and to transfer the same to the secondary system of State highways; and to add five miles to route 41 of the primary system of State highways. [H B 536]

Approved March 25, 1936

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission is hereby authorized and directed to delete from the primary system of State highways, heretofore sometimes known as The State Highway System, all of route one hundred and twenty now extending southwestwardly from Boone Mill in Franklin county for a distance of five miles, and to add to route forty-one of the said primary system of State highways five miles along the present road extending from the end of route forty-one to route one hundred and eight along the general lines of route six hundred and forty-eight of the secondary system of State highways.

That portion of route one hundred and twenty deleted from the primary system of State highways shall on and after such deletion become and be for all purposes a portion of secondary system of State highways.

Chap. 59.—An Act to empower and direct the State Highway Commission to re-locate a part of State Highway Route 12, in the counties of Rockingham and Augusta, and to transfer the portion of present Route 12 re-located, to the secondary system of highways. [H B 109]

Approved March 4, 1938

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission of Virginia be, and is hereby, empowered and directed to re-locate route twelve of the State highway primary system in the counties of Rockingham and Augusta so that it will run from Elkton to Waynesboro on the eastern side of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company's tracks, instead of on the western side thereof, as at present, and that, when so re-located and constructed, the portion of the present route twelve so re-located, shall thereupon become and be a part of the secondary system of highways in said counties, respectively.

Chap. 329.—An Act to amend and re-enact Section 2, as heretofore amended, of an act entitled "An act to establish 'The State Highway System'", approved January 31, 1918. [S B 299]

Approved March 29, 1938

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That section two, as heretofore amended, of an act entitled "An act to establish 'The State Highway System'", approved January thirty-first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

Section 2. Maryland line, Leesburg, Gilbert's Filling Station, Warrenton, Remington, Culpeper, Orange, Gordonsville, Palmyra, Carysbrook, Bremo, Dillwyn, Farmville, Worsham, Keysville, Wyliesburg, Red Oak, Clarksville, North Carolina line, with a connecting link from a point near Zion via Hadensville to Oilville.

Section 3. That that section of road now route 15 between Warrenton and The Plains remain a part of the primary system of State highways.

Section 4. That that section of road now route 15 between Middleburg and The Plains be part of the secondary system of State highways, maintained in its present location and straightened and widened where necessary with the least damage to abutting property owners.

Chap. 347.—An Act to amend Chapter 83 of the Virginia Code of 1936 (Michie) relating to the State Highway Commission and System, by adding thereto three new sections numbered 1969-e (2), 1969-e (3) and 1975-a (1), and to enact said three new sections into law, all of said sections relating to the State Highway Commission, its powers and duties, and the regulation of the use of the highways, said section 1969-e (2) requiring the approval by the State Highway Commission of all markings and traffic lights installed or erected by cities and towns; section 1969-e (3) prohibiting the pasturing or grazing of live stock on the rights of way of the State Highway system unless tied in such a way as to prevent it from coming on the traveled portion of the highway; and section 1975-a (1) authorizing the State Highway Commission in its discretion to make certain changes in route fifty west of the Fairfax, Fauquier and Loudoun County lines and to fix a limitation on such change and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act. [H B 319]

Approved March 31, 1938

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That chapter eighty-three of the Virginia Code of nineteen hundred and thirty-six be amended by adding thereto three new sections numbered nineteen hundred and sixty-nine-e (2), nineteen hundred and sixty-nine-e (3), and nineteen hundred and seventy-five-a (1) relating to the State Highway Commission and System, authorizing the State Highway Commission to regulate and approve all highway markings and traffic lights installed by towns on the primary roads therein; to prohibit live stock from being pastured or grazed on the State highways and to authorize the State Highway Commission to make certain changes in route numbered fifty so that said three new sections shall read as follows:

Section 1969-e (2). [...]

Section 1969-e (3). [...]

Section 1975-a (1). The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized to make such changes as it may deem necessary in the interest of good engineering practices and the public convenience, in the location of route fifty west of the Fairfax, Fauquier and Loudoun County lines; provided, however, no such change shall deviate more than eight miles from the present location of any point now on the present route.

2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby expressly repealed so far as such conflict may exist.

Chap. 22.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission of Virginia to relocate a certain section of Route 8 of the primary system of State highways. [S B 8]

Approved February 9, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission of Virginia be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered to relocate that section of Route eight of the primary system of State highways, between Pearisburg and Rich Creek, in the county of Giles. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 74.—An Act to add to the primary system of State highways certain roads in the several State parks, and to add to the secondary system of State highways certain roads leading from State highways to public school buildings. [S B 65]

Approved February 24, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia as follows:

Section 1. All roads in the several State parks providing connections between highways, either primary or secondary, outside of such parks and the recreation centers in such parks shall, on and after the date upon which this act takes effect, be and constitute portions of the primary system of State highways and as such be constructed, reconstructed, improved and maintained.

Section 2. All roads leading from State highways, either primary or secondary, to public schools in the counties of the Commonwealth to which school buses are operated, and which have one or more buildings containing five or more separate class rooms, shall, on and after the date upon which this act takes effect, be and constitute portions of the secondary system of State highways, and as such be improved and maintained; provided, however, that if any such road leading to a school exceeds one-quarter of a mile in length, it shall not become a part of the said secondary system under the provisions of this act.

Chap. 134.—An Act to provide for the addition to the primary system of State highways, for certain purposes, of certain roads, on and adjacent to the lands of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute. [S B 168]

Approved March 6, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That all metaled roads which run through or upon the lands of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute, which have been heretofore constructed or which are under construction on the day immediately preceding the date upon which this act takes effect, and which connect with Route eight of the primary system of State highways running between and through the towns of Christiansburg and Blacksburg or route three hundred and fourteen which designates the roads on the institute's property that are now a part of the primary system of the State highways, together with any portion of any road which constitutes a direct connection between any such road on the said lands and the said route eight and route three hundred and fourteen, shall hereafter be and constitute a part of the primary system of State highways for the purpose of improvement, maintenance and repair, and the State Highway Commission is hereby authorized and directed to cause the roads herein incorporated into the primary system of State highways to be improved, maintained and repaired as part of the said system; provided however, that the State Highway Commission shall not be required to take over any such road or any part thereof for any purpose until the original construction of the same shall have been completed as planned by the authorities of the said institute.

Chap. 135.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission to construct, maintain and repair, as a part of the primary system of State highways, a new section of road running by or around the town of South Boston in Halifax County. [S B 172]

Approved March 6, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, re-construct, improve, maintain and repair, as a part of the primary system of State highways, a new section of road to pass through, by or around the town of South Boston in Halifax County so as to connect near the corporate limits of the said town with existent roads in the said primary system, and so as to avoid any congested and hazardous traffic conditions which may be found by the said commission to exist on any existent road in the said system located within the corporate limits of the said town, the exact location of which new section of road to be determined by the said commission.

Chap. 181.—An Act to authorize and empower the State Highway Commission to construct, improve and maintain a certain State highway lying within the corporate limits of the City of Williamsburg, and incorporate the same into the primary system of State highways. [H B 318]

Approved March 12, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, improve and maintain such part of the State highway designated route thirty-one, lying between State highway designated United States Route sixty and Queens Creek in York County, as lies within the corporate limits of the City of Williamsburg, and incorporate the same into the primary system of State highways. 2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 185.—An Act to authorize and direct the State Highway Commission to transfer from the primary to the secondary system of State highways certain roads in Augusta county, and to transfer from the secondary to the primary system of State highways certain other roads in the said county. [H B 337]

Approved March 12, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be, and it is hereby, authorized and directed to make the following changes in the primary and secondary systems of State highways in the county of Augusta:

(a) To transfer from the primary to the secondary system of State highways that portion of State Route two hundred and seventy-eight extending from State Route forty-two at Stovers Shop to its intersection with State highway numbered U. S. Route two hundred and fifty at a point about three miles southwest of Stribling Spring, a distance of approximately 5.55 miles.

(b) To transfer from the primary to the secondary system of State highways that portion of State Route fifty-six extending from State highway numbered U. S. Route two hundred and fifty southwardly to State Route two hundred and fifty-four, a distance of approximately 3.08 miles.

(c) To transfer from the primary to the secondary system of State highways that portion of State Route fifty-six extending from its intersection with the present State Route six hundred and seventy near Summerdean to its intersection with the present State Route six hundred and twenty northeast of Moffett's Creek post office.

(d) To transfer from the secondary to the primary system of State highways that portion of State Route six hundred and seventy extending from its intersection with State Route fifty-six near Summerdean to its intersection with the present State Route six hundred and twenty at or near Middlebrook, a distance of approximately 3.20 miles.

(e) To transfer from the secondary to the primary system of State highways that portion of State Route six hundred and twenty, known as the Middlebrook turnpike, extending from the southern corporate limits of Staunton in a southwesterly direction for a distance of approximately 12.63 miles.

Chap. 232.—An Act to authorize and empower the State Highway Commission to construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain and repair, as a part of the primary system of State highways, a new section of road running by, around, or partially around, the town of Salem in Roanoke County. [S B 318]

Approved March 16, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered to construct, re-construct, improve, maintain and repair, as a part of the primary system of State Highways, a new section of road to pass by, around or partially around the town of Salem in Roanoke county so as to connect a road or street at the corporate limits of the said town with an existent road or roads in the said primary system, and so as to avoid any congested and hazardous traffic conditions which may be found by the said Commission to exist on any existent road or street in the said system within or without the corporate limits of the said town, the exact location of such new section of road to be determined by the State Highway Commission.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 256.—An Act to add to the primary system of State Highways, Chesapeake Avenue, from LaSalle Avenue to Pear Avenue, in Elizabeth City County, Virginia, being a part of Route No. 1510, and to name said highway the Merrimac-Monitor Memorial Highway. [S B 111]

Approved March 27, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That Chesapeake Avenue, between La Salle Avenue and Pear Avenue, in Elizabeth City County, Virginia, being a part of Route number fifteen hundred and ten in the secondary road system of Virginia, shall, on and after the date upon which this act takes effect, be and constitute a portion of the primary system of State highways, and as such be constructed, reconstructed, improved and maintained, and that the name of said highway be known and designated as the Merrimac-Monitor Memorial Highway.

Chap. 258.—An Act to add to the primary system of State highways one mile of road extending from Bloxoms Corner to Route 168 in Elizabeth City County, Virginia, being a part of Route 616 and, to transfer from the primary system of State highway three miles of road extending from Bloxoms Corner to Grand View in Elizabeth City County, Virginia, being a part of Route 167. [S B 173]

Approved March 27, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That Route six hundred and sixteen between Bloxoms Corner and Route one hundred and sixty-eight in Elizabeth City County, Virginia, constituting one mile of highway, shall, on and after the date upon which this act takes effect, be and constitute a portion of the primary system of State highways, and as such be constructed, reconstructed, improved and maintained; and, that Route one hundred and sixty-seven between Bloxoms Corner and Grand View in Elizabeth City County, Virginia, constituting three miles of the primary system of State highways, shall, on and after the date upon which this act takes effect, be and constitute a portion of the secondary system of State highways, and as such be constructed, reconstructed, improved and maintained.

Chap. 272.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission to construct, maintain and repair a certain road in the town of Halifax, county of Halifax, as a part of the primary system of State highways, and to authorize and empower the board of supervisors of said county to convey the necessary right of way for the said road. [S B 264]

Approved March 27, 1940

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia as follows:

Section 1. The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to construct, maintain and repair, as a part of the primary system of State highways, a certain road in the town of Halifax, county of Halifax, which shall follow the course hereinafter described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the "Courthouse Alley" with Route number three hundred and sixty, thence with the said alley along the west and south sides of the courthouse square to its intersection with the street known as Main Street, constituting a distance of approximately seven hundred feet.

Section 2. The board of supervisors of the county of Halifax is hereby authorized and empowered, on behalf of the said county, to convey such right of way, not exceeding forty feet in width, over the said courthouse square and along its southern and western boundaries, as shall be necessary for the construction, maintenance and repair of the said road.

Chap. 55.—An Act to direct the State Highway Commission to transfer a certain road from the primary to the secondary, and a certain other road from the secondary to the primary system, both being State highways. [S B 39]

Approved February 21, 1942

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission is directed to make the following changes in the primary and secondary systems of State highways in Prince George County: (1) transfer from the primary system the highway designated State route number one hundred and fifty-four, extending from United States route number four hundred and sixty, at Disputanta, to the intersection with State route number ten, a distance of nine and three-tenths miles, and (2) transfer from the secondary to the primary system a portion of the highway designated State route number six hundred and thirty-eight, beginning at the city limits of the city of Hopewell and extending toward United States route number four hundred and sixty for a distance of nine and three-tenths miles.

Chap. 149.—An Act to name that part of State Highway 349, in the town of Halifax, between its intersection with route 501 and route 360, heretofore known as Court House Road, the "Edmunds Boulevard." [H B 303]

Approved March 9, 1942

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That that part of State Highway Route three hundred and forty-nine, in the town of Halifax, between its intersection with route five hundred and one and route three hundred and sixty, and heretofore known as Court House Road, is hereby named "Edmunds Boulevard", and that the State Highway Commissioner appropriately mark the same as such.

Chap. 190.—An Act to direct the State Highway Commission to transfer to Henrico County State alternate route No. 33 and to take into the State primary highway system a portion of "Hilliard" Road. [S B 175]

Approved March 11, 1942

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, as follows: The State Highway Commission is directed to

(1) transfer from the State Primary Highway System, to the County of Henrico, all of State alternate route number thirty-three (No. 33) a distance of approximately two and eighty-seven one hundredths (2.87) miles (which route begins at the point where alternate route number thirty-three (No. 33) intersects U. S. Route number thirty-three (No. 33), which point is approximately one and twenty-five one hundredths (1.25) miles west of Laurel, Virginia, thence along alternate route number thirty-three (No. 33) a distance of two and eighty-seven one hundredths (2.87) miles to its end where alternate route number thirty-three (No. 33) intersects with U. S. Route number thirty-three (No. 33) at a point approximately ten one hundredths (0.10) miles east of the Chickahominy River),

(2) take into the State Highway Primary System that portion of Hilliard Road (a Henrico County Road) extending from State Route number one hundred and sixty-one (No. 161) to U. S. Route number one (No. 1) a distance of approximately ninety-two one hundredths (92/100) of a mile.

Chap. 282.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission to complete the construction of State Highway No. 336 in the City of Richmond. [S B 201]

Approved March 20, 1942

Whereas, the City of Richmond on the twenty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, granted to the Commonwealth of Virginia without cost the parcel of land in the City of Richmond bounded by Broad Street, Capitol Street, Eleventh Street and Twelfth Street, for the purpose of erecting thereon the State Library and Supreme Court of Appeals Building, which building has been erected; and

Whereas, consideration of such grant the Commonwealth of Virginia undertook to construct a State Highway in the then County of Chesterfield from the corporate limits of the City of Richmond to its water terminal situated on the James River, four miles below the City of Richmond; and

Whereas, one mile of said highway has been completed and three miles partially completed which has been designated State Highway number three hundred and thirty-six; and

Whereas, the territory through which said highway has been constructed was annexed to the City of Richmond on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and forty-two, thus necessitating a special act of legislature in order to comply with said agreement; and

Whereas, it is the desire of the Commonwealth of Virginia to authorize the State Highway Commission to complete the construction of said highway should it deem it proper so to do,

Now, Therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be and it is hereby authorized to complete the construction of State Highway number three hundred and thirty-six, if, in its discretion, it deems proper so to do, and to pay the cost thereof out of such funds coming into its hands as it may allocate for the purpose.

2. An emergency existing, this act shall be in force from its passage.

Chap. 435.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission to acquire certain roads, streets, rights of way and other additional land in Arlington county, and to construct thereon State highways which will become parts of the primary system of State highways, and, when one of such highways is opened for traffic, to transfer to the County of Arlington a portion of State Route 237 to be included in the county highways of the said county. [H B 463]

Approved April 6, 1942

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission be authorized and empowered as follows:

(a) To acquire by purchase, condemnation, gift or otherwise, the abandoned right of way of the Arlington-Fairfax Railway Company in the County of Arlington, extending from Lee Highway Route two hundred and eleven in East Falls Church, a distance of approximately three and seventy-hundredths (3.70) miles to Mile Post three and ten-hundredths (3.10) at the intersection of State Route two hundred and thirty-seven and Wilson Boulevard in Clarendon, together with any additional rights of way and adjacent land necessary for the purpose, and to construct thereon a State highway which shall become a part of the primary system of State highways, and shall be designated as State Route two hundred and thirty-seven.

(b) When the State highway authorized to be constructed under paragraph (a) hereof is opened for traffic, to transfer to the County of Arlington for incorporation into the system of county roads, that part of the present State Route two hundred and thirty-seven (Washington Boulevard) which extends from Mile Post seven (7.00) at the intersection of said route and Lee Highway Route two hundred and eleven in East Falls Church a distance of approximately four (4.00) miles to Mile Post three and ten-hundredths (3.10) miles at the intersection of said Route two hundred and thirty-seven and Wilson Boulevard in Clarendon.

Chap. 451.—An Act to authorize and direct the State Highway Commission to transfer from the primary to the secondary system of State highways a certain road in Rockingham county, and to transfer from the secondary to the primary system of State highways a certain other road in said county.

Approved April 6, 1942

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission is authorized and directed to make the following changes in the primary and secondary systems of State highways in the county of Rockingham:

(a) To transfer from the primary to the secondary system of State highways that portion of State Route two hundred and fifty-seven extending eastwardly from State Route forty-two in the town of Bridgewater a distance of one and thirty-one one-hundredths (1.31) miles to its intersection with present secondary State Route seven hundred.

(b) To transfer from the secondary to the primary system of State highways that portion of secondary State Route seven hundred extending eastwardly from State Route forty-two in the town of Bridgewater a distance of one and forty-one-hundredths (1.40) miles to its intersection with present State Route two hundred and fifty-seven.

Chap. 468.—An Act to authorize the State Highway Commission, under certain conditions, to construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain and repair as a part of the primary system of State highways, a new section of road in Elizabeth City county.

Approved April 6, 1942.

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission is hereby authorized and empowered, if and when the necessary right of way is provided without cost to the State of Virginia, to construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain and repair, as a part of the primary system of State highways, a new section of road in Elizabeth City county, beginning at a point on United States Route sixty approximately eight hundred feet east of the entrance to the Hampton Institute, and extending in a southeastwardly direction a distance of approximately six-tenths of a mile to the corporate limits of the town of Phoebus, the said right of way to be sixty feet or more in width, and the proposed road affording a more direct and convenient approach to the Veterans Facility at Kecoughtan.

[I have no idea when this was passed, but it was being discussed by the Senate in February 1942.]

An Act to direct the State Highway Commissioner to transfer a certain road in the County of Lancaster, from the secondary to the primary system.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the State Highway Commission is directed to transfer the road from Litwalton to Millenbeck, in the County of Lancaster, presently numbered six hundred and twenty-two from Litwalton to a point about seven-tenths of a mile south of Ottoman, and six hundred and twenty-five thence to Millenbeck, from the secondary to the primary system.