AARoads:United States/New York/Resources/Notes by county/Niagara

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Relevant laws

Segments defined by law

1921-1968 1968-now Routes Notes
1921 ch. 18: Niagara Falls-River Road-North Tonawanda beginning at the eastern city line of Niagara Falls at or near River road, thence running generally southeasterly to the western city line of North Tonawanda at or near River road NY 384
1926 ch. 726: Porter avenue extended from the Niagara Falls city line easterly to SH 5164 about 4 miles east of the city line beginning at the eastern city line of Niagara Falls, thence running generally easterly to an intersection with SH 5164, at or near the northeastern city line of Niagara Falls NY 182
already existed as SR 18 beginning at the eastern city line of Niagara Falls on or near Pine avenue, thence running generally southeasterly passing through the city of North Tonawanda, near the northeast city line, to the Niagara-Erie county line US 62
Niagara Falls-Sanborn already existed as SR 30

1933 ch. 346: Sanborn-Lockport

1933 ch. 346: Upon the completion and acceptance or the taking over for maintenance of the aforesaid "Sanborn-Lockport" county highway and "Campbell boulevard...," the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the county of Niagara of the following highways and parts of highways as follows, namely: all of CH 832 known as the Mountain Ridge road in the town of Lockport; that part of CH 1045 known as Cambria-Lockport east of the hamlet of Cambria Center in the town of Cambria; that part of CH 773-a known as Wendelville lying between the city line of Lockport and Campbell boulevard in the town of Lockport

beginning at the northern city line of Niagara Falls on or near College avenue, thence running generally easterly through or near the hamlet of Cambria Station to the western city line of Lockport on or near West avenue NY 31
already existed as SH 749, 660 beginning on the eastern city line of Lockport on or near Akron road, thence running generally southeasterly through or near the hamlet of Dysinger, to the southern county line of Niagara county west of the Tonawanda Indian reservation NY 93 (including former route on Akron Road)
1990 ch. 574: beginning at a point on Transit Road (SH 507) at the intersection of Robinson Road, thence running generally westerly to a point east of the New York State Barge Canal, thence running generally north to the southern city line of Lockport NY 93
1990 ch. 574: beginning at the westerly city line of Lockport, thence running generally northwesterly to a point on or near Saunders Settlement Road (SH 9094) at its intersection with Upper Mountain Road NY 93
Lockport-McNalls already existed as SR 20

1925 ch. 330: McNalls-Alabama, part one

beginning on the eastern city line of Lockport on or near East avenue, thence running generally southeasterly through or near the hamlets of McNalls and Royalton Center to the eastern county line of Niagara county north of the Tonawanda Indian reservation NY 31, NY 77
Gasport-Orleans County already existed as SR 20

1929 ch. 15: Gasport-westerly Wendt's corners

1929 ch. 15: Upon the completion and acceptance of the construction or improvement of the aforesaid Gasport-westerly Wendt's corners highway, the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment of that portion of SH 5562 lying between McNalls corners and Gasport, being a length of 2.33 miles in the town of Royalton

beginning at a point on or near SH 5563 in the town of Lockport, thence running generally easterly through or near the village of Middleport, to the Niagara-Orleans county line NY 31
Lewiston-Dickersonville already existed as SH 1724, 617, 9105, 617; Cambria-Wrights Corners already existed as SR 30

1921 ch. 18: Dickersonville-Cambria

beginning at a point in or near the village of Lewiston, thence running generally easterly through or near the hamlets of Cambria and Warrens Corners to a state highway in or near the hamlet of Wrights Corners
1979 ch. 296: beginning in the village of Lewiston at or near Fourth street, thence running generally easterly through or near the hamlets of Cambria and Warrens Corners to a state highway in or near the hamlet of Wrights Corners
NY 18F, NY 104 portion west of Portage Road in Lewiston was grouped with "beginning in the village of Lewiston at SH 1729, thence running generally easterly and southerly to the dead end at the parkway" until 1979
already existed as SR 30 beginning on a state highway at a point north of the hamlet of Wrights Corners, thence running generally easterly through or near the hamlets of Ridgewood and Johnson Corners to the Niagara-Orleans county line west of the hamlet of Jeddo NY 104
Youngstown-North Ridge already existed as SH 800, 799

1939 ch. 546: North Ridge-Cambria

beginning in or near the village of Youngstown, thence running generally southeasterly through or near the hamlets of Ransomville and North Ridge to a point on or near SH 5416 at or near the hamlet of Cambria NY 93
1925 ch. 330: Youngstown, shore road-Olcott; Olcott-County Line beginning in or near the village of Yougnstown, thence running generally northeasterly along the south shore of Lake Ontario, through or near the hamlet of Olcott, thence running generally easterly to the Niagara-Orleans county line
1979 ch. 296: beginning at a point on SH 9322 south of Four Mile Creek state park, thence running generally northeasterly along the south shore of Lake Ontario, through or near the hamlet of Olcott, thence running generally easterly to the Niagara-Orleans county line
NY 18F, NY 18
already existed as SR 18 beginning in or near the village of Youngstown at or near SH 800, thence running generally northerly to the southern entrance of the Fort Niagara state park, at or near SH 8306
1979 ch. 296: deleted
Main Street (did this have a number?)
1925 ch. 330: Center street, Lewiston-Canada bridge connection beginning in or near the Lewiston state park, thence running generally northerly to the village of Lewiston
1968 ch. 1071: beginning in or near the Lewiston state park, thence running generally northerly to SH 5306 in the village of Lewiston
1979 ch. 296: deleted
former NY 18E
already existed as SR 18 1968 ch. 1071: beginning in the village of Lewiston at SH 1729, thence running generally easterly and southerly to the dead end at the parkway
1979 ch. 296: deleted
NY 18F, Portage Road erroneously left out of 1968 recodification
already existed as SR 18 beginning on the northern city line of Niagara Falls, thence running generally northeasterly to the village of Lewiston NY 104
1955 ch. 443: Hyde Park boulevard extended from the Niagara Falls city line northerly to SH 475, including a traffic interchange and connections between the proposed Niagara Parkway, Niagara Rapids boulevard, Lewiston road and Hyde Park boulevard
1958 ch. 510: Hyde Park boulevard from Lockport road in the city of Niagara Falls and the town of Niagara, northerly to SH 475, including a traffic interchange and connections between the proposed Niagara Parkway, Niagara Rapids boulevard, Lewiston road and Hyde Park boulevard
beginning on the northern city line of Niagara Falls at or near the intersection of Lockport road and Hyde Park boulevard, thence running generally northwesterly to or near an intersection with SH 475 NY 61
1946 ch. 945: from a point on SH 5590 northeasterly to its intersection with SH 617, northerly to a point on SH 8306, and including two connections to SH 617 on the south side thereof

1946 ch. 945: Upon the completion and acceptance of the last described highway, the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the county of Niagara of that portion of SH 5306 from its intersection with SH 1729 to its intersection with SH 800
1947 ch. 533: Upon the completion and acceptance of the construction or improvement or upon the taking over for maintenance by the state of the last described highway, the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the county of Niagara of that portion of SH 5306 from its intersection with SH 1729 to its intersection with SH 800

beginning in or near the village of Lewiston on or near SH 5306, thence running generally easterly and northerly to or near SH 8306 northeast of the village of Youngstown NY 18
1939 ch. 546: Military Road from SH 5063 to SH 475

1939 ch. 546: Upon the completion and acceptance of the highway above described as "from SH 5063 to SH 475," the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the town of Royalton of SH 251 and 660

1939 ch. 546: Upon the completion and acceptance of the highway above described as "from SH 5063 to SH 475," the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the county of Niagara of all of SH 757 located in the towns of Royalton and Hartland

beginning on the northern city line of Niagara Falls approximately three sixteenths mile northwest of the intersection of Pine avenue and Military road, thence running generally northwesterly to an intersection with SH 5590 NY 265
already existed as SH 643, 740 beginning at or near the northern city line of North Tonawanda on or near Ward road, thence running generally through or near the hamlet of St. Johnsburg to an intersection with SH 5305 NY 429
already existed as SR 30 beginning at or near SH 9094 in or near the hamlet of Sanborn, thence running generally northerly through or near the hamlet of Pekin to a point at or near SH 1316 NY 429
already existed as SR 20, SH 1045, 1315 beginning at the northern city line of North Tonawanda on or near Shawnee road, thence running generally northerly through or near the hamlets of Shawnee and North Ridge to a point in or near the village of Wilson NY 425
Wendelville-Lockport, part two already existed as SH 773

1921 ch. 18: Wendelville-Lockport, part one

1933 ch. 346: Campbell boulevard from its intersection with CH 773-a to its intersection with the above named Sanborn-Lockport county highway

beginning at or near the Niagara-Erie county line in or near the hamlet of Wendelville, thence running generally northerly through or near the hamlet of Pendleton Center to an intersection with SH 9094
1979 ch. 296: beginning at or near the Niagara-Erie county line in or near the hamlet of Wendelville, thence running generally northerly through or near the hamlets of Pendleton Center and Lockport Junction to an intersection with SH 5416 in or near the hamlet of Warrens Corners
NY 270, NY 93
already existed as SH 507 beginning at or near the Niagara-Erie county line, thence running generally northerly west of the hamlet of Raymond to the southern city line of Lockport NY 78
already existed as SH 759, SR 30, SH 758 beginning at or near the northern city line of Lockport, thence running generally northerly through or near the hamlets of Wrights Corners and Newfane to a point in or near the hamlet of Olcott NY 78
already existed as SH 9001 beginning at the western village line of Middleport on or near the Royalton-Hartland town line, thence running generally northerly to an intersection with SH 5431
1979 ch. 296: beginning at a state highway in the village of Middleport, thence running generally northerly to an intersection with SH 5431
1990 ch. 574: deleted
NY 271 (including former alignment on Carmen Road pre-1979)
already existed as SH 5560 (SR 30 pre-1921) beginning at a point on SH 1135 in or near the village of Middleport, thence running generally northerly and easterly to the Niagara-Orleans county line south of the New York state barge canal NY 31E
1955 ch. 443: from a point on the Niagara Falls east city line southeasterly to SH 1635

1955 ch. 443: Upon the completion and acceptance of the construction or improvement of the aforesaid highway described as "from a point on the Niagara Falls east city line southeasterly to SH 1635", the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the county of Niagara of that portion of SH 1635 from the above described intersection northwesterly to the Niagara Falls east city line

beginning at the eastern city line of Niagara Falls, thence running generally southeasterly to an intersection with SH 1635
1979 ch. 296: beginning at the eastern city line of Niagara Falls, thence running generally southeasterly to an intersection with a state highway
NY 951A
1953 ch. 727: from a point on the easterly city line of Lockport in the vicinity of Walnut street extended, easterly and northeasterly to the right of way of the abandoned trolley line and on or along this right of way to an intersection with SH 8451 in the vicinity of Gasport

1953 ch. 727: Upon the completion and acceptance of the construction of the aforesaid highway described as "from a point on the easterly city line of Lockport...", the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment of that portion of SH 8451 from its westerly terminus as[sic] SH 5563 easterly to the intersection created by the construction of the proposed highway described at the beginning of this paragraph (the portion of such abandonment in the town of Lockport being 1.36 miles and in the town of Royalton approximately 2.15 miles), together with that portion of SH 5563 from its westerly terminus at the city of Lockport easterly to its intersection with the aforesaid proposed highway described at the beginning of this paragraph (being approximately 1.61 miles of abandonment in the town of Lockport)

beginning at the eastern city line of Lockport on or near Walnut street, thence running generally northeasterly to an intersection with SH 5561

Upon the completion and acceptance of the construction of the aforesaid highway described as "beginning at the eastern city line of Lockport...", the commissioner of transportation is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment of that portion of SH 8451 from its westerly terminus at SH 5563 easterly to the intersection created by the construction of the proposed highway described at the beginning of this paragraph (the portion of such abandonment in the town of Lockport being 1.36 miles and in the town of Royalton approximately 2.15 miles), together with that portion of SH 5563 from its westerly terminus at the city of Lockport easterly to its intersection with the aforesaid proposed highway described at the beginning of this paragraph (being approximately 1.61 miles of abandonment in the town of Lockport)

1925 ch. 330: Jeddo, county line road-County Line Hamlet beginning at a point on SH 5431, thence running generally northerly through or near the hamlets of Jeddo and Northridgeway to an intersection with SH 9052 NY 269
1979 ch. 296: beginning at a point on SH 1635, thence running generally northerly to a point on SH 5164 NY 952V
1955 ch. 443: from a point on the Niagara Falls city line north of Pine avenue, easterly to SH 5164
1960 ch. 255: deleted

1955 ch. 443: Upon the completion and acceptance of the construction or improvement of the aforesaid highway described as from a point on the Niagara Falls city line north of Pine avenue, easterly to SH 5164, the superintendent of public works is hereby authorized and directed to enter an official order of abandonment to the county of Niagara of all of SH 5063 and that portion of SH 5164 from the above described point of intersection to its westerly terminus


Early abandonments

authorized and directed by 1925 ch. 330:

  • Barker-Johnson Creek, part one, SH 9002 being a length of 2.75 miles in the town of Somerset (Coleman Road and Johnson Creek Road from east village line of Barker east and south to Town Line Road)