User talk:DigitalSeb01

From the AARoads Wiki: Read about the road before you go
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Welcome to the AARoads Wiki!

This wiki is a specialist encyclopedia of roads articles written by your fellow roadgeeks, and we're glad you've decided to join us!

Now that you're here, we have a few important things to tell you about. Our main discussion page is The Interchange. This is where we make decisions about how this wiki functions. We have a Discord as well that you might want to join.

We have a cleanup page where you can request that relevant articles be imported. You can also report errors related to the article import process on that page.

The rules of the road are really simple. In short, follow the golden rule and you'll be fine; we wouldn't want you to be cited for a moving violation. We have the Annex here for additional content, like the list of longest state highways in the United States.

Once again, welcome to the AARoads Wiki! We hope you enjoy it here! Dough4872 09:32, 8 May 2024 (EDT)

Hello :) Thank you very much, I will try to expand some articles about roads in Latin America. -DigitalSeb01 (talk) 09:37, 8 May 2024 (EDT)

South America

Hi again! A few weeks ago we chose to skip over South America in the importing process since we did not think that anybody would be interested in editing it anytime soon. Obviously we miscalculated a bit.

Would you like to have some of South America imported? The list of what is available is at AARoads:International/Countries/South America. My only hesitation would be importing Brazil, just because there is a significant mess on the English Wikipedia articles - but if someone was committed to fixing them, it would still be possible to do.

(Also, are you planning to move the articles from your userspace to the mainspace? I am not sure that we gave new users that ability until they hit 4 days old, just to prevent vandalism). --Rschen7754 20:45, 8 May 2024 (EDT)

Hello, unfortunately I don't have much experience with the Brazilian Federal Highway System and my knowledge of Portuguese is very limited, so I can't contribute much on that. I have some experience in the highways systems of some Latin American countries so I can help in that such as Peru, Colombia and Argentina, additionally I plan to move my articles to mainspace when I finish factchecking them. -DigitalSeb01 (talk) 22:03, 8 May 2024 (EDT)
Thanks. We've already made commitments to Spain so that will be next, but I'm tentatively thinking about South America minus Brazil and French Guiana after that. There will be some discussions on the wiki in the coming days. --Rschen7754 22:20, 8 May 2024 (EDT)