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This template enables editors to add a European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) to a citation.

From EUR-Lex documentation: The identifier consists of five parts in the following order, with each separated by a colon:

  1. Abbreviation "ECLI"
  2. Country code (2 characters)
  3. Court code (1-7 characters)
  4. Year of the decision (4 digits)
  5. Unique identifying number (max. 25 characters, dots allowed)

The template currently works for the following ECLIs:

Territory or
Abbreviation Routing Remarks
European Union EU EUR-Lex all decisions of all courts
European Patent Office EP European e-Justice Portal all decisions of the Board of Appeal
Council of Europe CE ECHR HUDOC all decisions the European Court of Human Rights
Austria AT Rechtsinformationssystem (RIS) Decisions of: Verfassungsgerichtshof, Oberster Gerichtshof, Bundesverwaltungsgericht, Bundesfinanzgericht, Landesverwaltungsgerichte, Datenschutzbehörde
France FR e-Justice Conseil constitutionnel, Conseil d'État, Cour de cassation, Tribunal des conflits
Germany DE e-Justice Only issued for Bundesverwaltungsgericht decisions.
The Netherlands NL Rechtspraak / Tuchtrecht Issued for published
  • court decisions, all courts (rechtspraak),
  • disciplinary decisions (tuchtrecht).
Slovakia SK Otvorenesudy.sk Site non-responsive as of July 2022. E-Justice does not appear to host Slovak cases, and Slovak government pages do not include ECLI in their search. Judikaty is a subscription site with a rough all-text search that tends to hit ECLI, but it also requires matching the correct database.
Slovenia SI e-Justice
Spain ES e-Justice all published decisions (since 1850)

Please help to add ECLIs from other European Union countries or international organizations to the template, or leave a message on the talk page for help.



<templatedata> { "description": "The template takes the following parameters:", "params": { "1": { "label": "ecli", "type": "string", "required": true, "deprecated": false, "description": "The European Case Law Identifier of the case.", "aliases": [ "ECLI" ] }, "db": { "label": "db", "type": "string", "required": false, "description": "Location where ECLI is published. This parameter is considered when country code = NL (and is meaningless otherwise). NL_RECHTSPRAAK means that the ECLI was assigned to a court decision. NL_TUCHTRECHT means that the ECLI was assigned to a disciplinary decision. Court decisions and disciplinary decisions are maintained by two separate organisations.", "suggestedvalues": [ "NL_RECHTSPRAAK", "NL_TUCHTRECHT" ], "default": "NL_RECHTSPRAAK", "example": "NL_TUCHTRECHT" } } } </templatedata>

See also