Template:Creative Commons text attribution notice

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 This article incorporates text available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

<templatedata> { "params": { "cc": { "label": "License type", "description": "The Creative Commons license type", "example": "by4", "type": "unknown", "suggestedvalues": [ "zero", "by1", "by2", "by3", "by4", "by3au", "by3cl", "by3pl", "by3us", "bysa2", "bysa3", "bysa4" ], "suggested": true }, "from this source": { "label": "From this source", "description": "Indicates that the incorporated CC text comes from the source preceding this template", "example": "yes", "type": "boolean", "default": "no" }, "author": { "label": "Author", "description": "The author or authors of the source.", "example": "John Doe", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "URL": { "label": "URL of source", "description": "The URL of the source page from which the licensed material was copied", "type": "url", "suggested": true } }, "description": "Template to indicate and to give attribution to Creative Commons material has been copied into Wikipedia", "paramOrder": [ "cc", "URL", "from this source", "author" ] } </templatedata>