Jengod, Modster, Minesweeper, Branddobbe, Lexor, Lan56, User2004, TheParanoidOne, Kbdank71, FlaBot, SPUI, Revolver, Mhbourne, Ianblair23, Michael Slone, Holly Cheng, Silensor, Causa sui, TFMcQ, Andy Smith, CrazyC83, Darkcore, Will Beback, Bz2, NekoDaemon, Kevyn999, BlankVerse, Floydspinky71, YurikBot, Rschen7754bot, Liftarn, Enchanter, Commo1, Minutiaman, Harryh, BetacommandBot, Dismas, R.A Huston, CmdrObot, Charolastra charolo, Emustonen, AntiVandalBot, Spritel Lynching, Mistyben, DanMS, Tcw1138, Asjoseph, Kzzl, Soulbot, Rzvagelsky, Ticemayn, NewTestLeper79, Morgan Wick, Nicksh, Rjwilmsi, Eleusinian, Koavf, Stemonitis, Ipoellet, Kelly Martin, Bill Ayer, Publicola, Book M, Tikiwont, SmackBot, Jstlkn, AlleborgoBot, PeterAS, Srikipedia, Cbl62, Cheetah2, Kbdankbot, NE2, DreamGuy, Tesscass, Urbanus Secundus, Ari Rahikkala, Lowellian, Thijs!bot, Lagslide, Reza 2638, Daniel.w.leigh, SamAronow, Ergonaut2001, Taffytop, Sahbeewah, Estirabot, The Anomebot2, LucienBOT, Academic Challenger, ESpublic013, Msr69er, BubbleBabis, Thalter, Moncrief, Optigan13, Solventvapour, TomCat4680, Rontrigger, Nickysantos1, TheOldJacobite, R. fiend, Karppinen, SieBot, Daram.G, Tinton5, Look2See1, Lugnuts, FrescoBot, Nareek, VolkovBot, XLinkBot, John of Reading, Reddingpa, MelbaToast917, NapoliRoma, BeenAroundAWhile, Luckas-bot, Themeparkgc, AnomieBOT, Alf.laylah.wa.laylah, Pranaw.vatsal, Julianhall, Spicemix, MBialy, Kudpung, RjwilmsiBot, Cydebot, Addbot, Yobot, Necrothesp, DocWatson42, Epicgenius, Laneways, TheReeDog, Ms presley98, Geordieboyphil123, Niceguyedc, Winner 42, Gadget850, Peetlesnumber1, ClueBot NG, Dale Arnett, Zzyzx11, Bender the Bot, CitationCleanerBot, SounderBruce, Валерий Шостак, Beyond My Ken, Guliolopez, Wilsonandrewc, CandyEatingReporter, Deisenbe, NathanielTheBold, Fluffy89502, Pi bot, Bellerophon5685, Oagersnap, Danboy6, MonkeyStolen234, InedibleHulk, Monkbot, Fredddie, SkrrSkrr75, Sea Cow, ElLutzo, 162 etc., Dimadick, Geroguy, Seasider53, Anaxial, Joumanbarakat, HeyElliott, Hanster98, Anonymous editors: 140.