Steinsky, Norm, YUL89YYZ, Talrias, SPUI, Karl-Henner, Erath, MikeMorgan, CanisRufus, RobyWayne, Sceptre, Rwendland, Mais oui!, Robdurbar, Duncshine, Achmelvic, SteveLoughran, Mr WR, Regan123, Mark999, Saga City, ScottDavis, SmackBot, Thijs!bot, The Anome, Hut 8.5, JirkaV, Tobycek, Ghmyrtle, Lucy-marie, Canterbury Tail, Mattbuck, IanCleverly, Anonymous101, Mhockey, CarFan1234, WOSlinker, Lightbot, Mauls, Dun Holm, Pepper, Jeni, Alexbot, Martinvl, PeterEastern, Mixsynth, Rawclaw, The Anomebot2, Deor, Mrmuk, John, FrescoBot, Michael Glass, Headhitter, Imzadi1979, William Avery, Yobot, Thatmotorwayguy, Jevansen, EmausBot, Aegoceras, Oojamaflip2, Bob Re-born, Lobsterthermidor, Keith D, Baldy Bill, BG19bot, Addbot, The Rambling Man, AnomieBOT, KLBot2, Sfan00 IMG, Ohconfucius, Winstonsmith99, Matt-thepie, Wizkid1555, Mean as custard, Arpingstone, Dano456, Wire723, Ritchie333, Sagaciousphil, Adam9007, Dr. Blofeld, Wavelength, InternetArchiveBot, LilHelpa, RichardHC, Rodw, Cydebot, D Eaketts, Monkbot, Weedwhacker128, Thirdman, DuncanHill, Jamesbath93, R'n'B, Captainllama, Jackgill06, Gareth Griffith-Jones, RedSquirrel, Robby, Iridescent 2, Ferien, Pandaboy2525, Yowlet, Rschen7754, 10mmsocket, AlphaBeta135, Mozartnut, GreenC bot, HJ Mitchell, Dawnseeker2000, Costello157, Anonymous editors: 31.