Module:WikiProject banner/config

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This submodule of Module:WikiProject banner contains the configuration and localized messages used by the main module.

return {
	language = 'en',
	subst_warning = {
		image = 'Stop hand nuvola.svg',
		type_ = 'content',
		text = 'It seems that the <i>%s</i> banner has been [[Help:Substitution|substituted]] on this page instead of being [[Help:Transclusion|transcluded]]. Please undo the edit and type %s instead.',
		categories = '[[Category:Project banners with errors|SUBST]][[Category:Pages with incorrectly substituted templates]]'
	namespace_warning = {
		image = 'Ambox important.svg',
		size = '40px',
		type_ = 'content',
		text = 'The project banner below should be moved to this %s\'s <b>[[%s|talk page]]</b>. If this is a demonstration of the template, please set the parameter %s to prevent this page being miscategorized.',
		on_template_page = 'If this message appears on the template page itself, please check that the value of the %s parameter is correctly set to <kbd>%s</kbd>.',
		categories = 'Project banners with errors',
		sortkey = 'Location',
		sortkey_on_template_page = 'Parameter'
	image = {
		default_size = '80px',
		alt = 'Project icon',
		header_size = '35x25px'
	main_text = 'This %s falls within the topic of <b>[[%s|%s]]</b>. Please visit [[AARoads:The Interchange|The Interchange]], where you can join [[AARoads:The Interchange|the discussion]] and see a list of open tasks.',
	quality = {
		name = 'quality scale',
		rating = 'This %s %s on %s.',
		rated = 'has been rated as <b>%s-class</b>',
		not_yet = 'has not yet received a rating',
		not_required = 'does not require a rating',
		default_scale = 'the AARoads Wiki\'s [[AARoads:Assessment|content assessment]] scale',
		project_scale = 'the AARoads Wiki\'s [[AARoads:Assessment|content assessment]] scale',
		non_article_classes = {'Template', 'File', 'Category', 'Disambig', 'Redirect', 'Portal', 'Project', 'Annex', 'AM', 'Help', 'User'},
		border = '0.075em solid',
		conflict = {
			border = '0.2em solid red',
			category = 'Articles with conflicting quality ratings',
			text = 'This article has been given a rating which conflicts with the project-independent quality rating in the banner shell. Please resolve this conflict if possible.'
		assessment_category = 'Category:%s-Class %s',
		colour = {
			A = "#BED3FF",
			AL = "#BED3FF",
			AM = "#BED3FF",
			B = "#C0FFC0",
			BL = "#C0FFC0",
			C = "#DFFFBF",
			CL = "#DFFFBF",
			D = "#FFDBBF",
			DL = "#FFDBBF",
			E = "#FFC0C0",
			EL = "#FFC0C0",
			List = "#D2C0FF",
			NA = "#F5F5F5",
			Annex = '#E7B198',
			Category = '#FFDB58',
			Disambig = '#00FA9A',
			File = '#DDCCFF',
			Future = '#B4BBFF',
			Module = '#DDB1BC',
			Project = '#C0C090',
			Redirect = '#C0C0C0',
			User = '#DDD06A',
			Template = '#FBCEB1',
			default = '#DCDCDC'
	importance = {
		rating = 'This %s has %s on the %s.',
		rated = 'been rated as <b>%s-%s</b>',
		not_yet = 'not yet received a rating',
		default_scale = '[[AARoads:Assessment|importance scale]]',
		project_scale = '[[%s|project\'s %s]]',
		scale = '%s scale',
		default_name = 'importance',
		colour = {
			Top = "#FFBFFF",
			High = "#FFCCFF",
			Mid = "#FFD9FF",
			Low = "#FFE7FF",
			Bottom = '#FFEBFF',
			NA = "#F5F5F5",
			default = '#DCDCDC'
	task_force = {
		text = 'This %s also falls under <b>%s</b>%s.',
		importance = '(assessed as %s)',
		header = 'Associated task forces:',-- default header for collapsed task forces if TF_COLLAPSED is defined
		lower_threshold = 0,-- default threshold for collapsing task forces if TF_HEADER is defined
		upper_threshold = 5,-- default threshold for collapsing task forces if TF_HEADER is not defined
		icon_alt = 'Taskforce icon',
		default_size = 'x35px'
	note = {
		header = 'More information:',-- default header when notes are collapsed
		threshold = 2,-- default thresold for notes to collapse
		icon_alt = 'Note icon',
		default_size = 'x35px',
		header_icon = 'x30px'
	auto = {
		assessed = 'This %s has been automatically rated by a [[Help:Bots|bot]] or other tool %s. Please ensure the assessment is correct before removing the %s parameter.',
		stub = 'as <b>E-class</b> because it uses a stub template',
		length = 'based on the length of the article',
		inherit = 'because one or more other projects use this class',
		sort_codes = {A='0', AL='1', B='2', BL='3', C='4', CL='5', D='6', DL='7', E='8', EL='9', List='10'},
		default_sort_code = '11',
		default_cat = 'Automatically assessed %s articles',
		icon = 'Robot icôn.svg',
	attention = {
		text = 'This %s has been marked as needing immediate attention.',
		icon = 'Emblem-important-red.svg',
		default_cat = '%s articles that require attention',
	infobox = {
		text = 'This %s has been marked as needing an infobox.',
		icon = 'Emblem-system.svg',
		default_cat = '%s articles needing infoboxes',
	auxiliary_module = 'Module:WikiProject banner/auxiliary',
	b_checklist = {
		image = '[[File:Bclass-checklist.svg|20px|link=AARoads:Assessment/B-Class criteria|alt=B checklist|center]]',
		text = 'This article has %s <b>[[%s|criteria]]</b> for B-class status:',
		checked = 'been checked against the following',
		not_checked = 'not yet been checked against the',
		default_scale = 'AARoads:Assessment/B-Class criteria',
		mask = {
			 yes = 'y', y = 'y', ['1'] = 'y', pass = 'y', -- pass
			 no = 'n', n = 'n', ['0'] = 'n', fail = 'n', -- fail
			 na = 'x', ['n/a'] = 'x', -- not applicable
			 ['<yes/no>'] = 'u', ['yes/no'] = 'u', ['?'] = 'u', [''] = 'u', -- unevaluated
			default = 'i' -- invalid
		icon = {
			y = 'Green check',
			n = 'Red x',
			x = 'Tilde',
			i = 'Orange exclamation mark',
			u = 'Purple question mark',
		status = {
			y = 'criterion met',
			n = 'criterion not met',
			x = 'not applicable',
			i = 'invalid parameter',
			u = 'not checked',
		criteria = {
			[1] = 'Referencing and citation',
			[2] = 'Coverage and accuracy',
			[3] = 'Structure',
			[4] = 'Grammar and style',
			[5] = 'Supporting materials',
			[6] = 'Accessibility'
		syntax = {
			text = 'To fill out this checklist, please [%s add] the following code to the template call:',
			prompt = '| b%s&lt;!--%s--&gt; = <yes/no>',
			max_width = 24,
			assess = 'assessing the article against each criterion.'
	status = {
		default_active = 'active', -- to be removed
		defunct = 'defunct',
		default_inactive = 'inactive',
		suffix = '-project', -- to be removed
		inactive_class = 'inactive-wikiproject'
	inactive = {
		image = 'People icon dead.svg',
		image_size = '40px',
		text = 'This %s is within the scope of [[%s|%s]], a project which is currently considered to be <b>%s</b>.',
		nested = '(%s)'
	unknown_parameters = {
		tracking = 'Category:Pages using %s banner with unknown parameters',
		default = 'Category:Project templates with unknown parameters',
		preview = 'Page using %s with unexpected parameter "_VALUE_"',
	todo_list = {
		default_title = 'To-do list',
		edit = 'edit',
		history = 'history',
		watch = 'watch',
		purge = 'purge',
	image_needed = {
		vowels = {
			a = true,
			e = true,
			i = true,
			o = true,
			u = true
		article = {
			vowel = 'an',
			consonant = 'a'
		default_type = 'an <b>image</b> or <b>photograph</b>',
		details = 'of <b>%s</b>',
		help = '<b>%s</b> may be able to help!',
		text = 'An editor has requested that %s%s be [[Help:Uploading images|added]] to this %s.%s',
		location = 'Requested %ss in %s',
		topic = 'Requested %ss of %s',
		default_image = 'Camera-photo.svg',
	collaboration = {
		default_image = 'Crystal 128 kuser.png',
		default_text = 'project collaboration',
		size = '30px',
		candidate = 'This %s is a [[%s|candidate]] to be the %s.',
		current = 'This %s is currently the %s.',
		past = 'This %s was a past %s.',
	a_class = {
		text = 'This article <b>[[%s|%s]]</b> an [[%s|A-Class review]].',
		mask = {
			pass    = 'pass',
			keep    = 'pass',
			kept    = 'pass',
			fail    = 'fail',
			demote  = 'fail',
			demoted = 'fail',
			current = 'current'
		status = {
			pass = 'has passed',
			fail = 'has failed',
			current = 'is currently undergoing',
		icon = {
			pass = 'Symbol a class (aa alternate).svg',
			fail = 'Symbol unsupport A vote.svg',
			current = 'A candidate (aa alternate).svg'
		background = '#66ffff',
	peer_review = {
		default_image = 'Nuvola apps kedit.png',
		default_size = '30px',
		current = 'This article <b>[[%s|is currently undergoing]]</b> a [[%s|peer review]].',
		past = 'This article has had a [[%s|peer review]] which is <b>[[%s|now archived]]</b>.',
	template_page = {
		info = 'This banner template uses [[Module:WikiProject banner]], a meta-template for easily creating and maintaining project banners. Please report any errors or feature requests to [[Module talk:WikiProject banner]].',
		notice_text = 'Information or warnings about the template are below:',
		quality_criteria = {
			custom = 'This project has opted out of project-independent quality assessments and is using a <b>[[%s|custom class mask]]</b>.',
			custom_tracking = {category = 'Projects using a non-standard quality scale'},
			missing = 'The %s parameter is set to <i>custom</i> but there is no custom class mask held at [[%s]]. Therefore the quality scale has been switched off.',
		custom_importance_mask = {
			in_use = 'A <b>[[%s|custom importance mask]]</b> is in use.',
			missing = 'The %s parameter is set to <i>subpage</i> but there is no custom importance mask held at [[%s]]. Therefore the importance scale has been switched off.',
			unused = 'The [[%s|/importance subpage]] is currently not in use. To use it, set %s. To remove this warning, please delete or blank that subpage.'
		more_than = {
			zero = 'any of them are',
			one = 'more than one of them is',
			more = 'more than %s of them are'
		note = {
			collapsing = 'The %s notes in this template will automatically collapse if %s activated. To change this setting, set or update the %s parameter.',
			counter = 'A hook is attached to the %s parameter but no valid counter has been attached to %s. If the hook can output more than one row, you may like to add the [[Template:WPBannerMeta/hooks/notecounter|notecounter hook]] to ensure consistent collapsing behaviour.',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'Hook collapsed'},
		assessment_link = {
			missing = 'This banner specifies a non-existent assessment page %s. Please <b>[%s update or remove]</b> the %s parameter to fix this problem.',
			edit_summary = 'set ASSESSMENT_LINK parameter',
		project = {
			text = 'The required PROJECT parameter has not been defined.',
			banner = 'The page name of the banner template does not exist. Please check the PROJECT or BANNER_NAME parameters.',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'Missing PROJECT parameter'},
		substcheck = {
			text = 'A feature for detecting incorrectly [[Help:Substitution|substituted]] banners has not yet been implemented on this template. Please see the [[Template:WPBannerMeta/doc#Simple options|documentation]] for how to set the %s parameter.',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'Check'},
		portal = {
			text = 'This banner template includes a link to [[%s]], %s',
			no_image = 'but there is no custom image defined yet. Please read the %s.',
			image_link = 'and the accompanying image is %s. See the %s on how to change this.',
			instructions = '[[Template:Portal/doc#Image|instructions]]',
			missing = 'but this portal does not exist - you may have defined %s incorrectly or the portal may have been deleted.',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'O'},
		task_force = {
			text = 'A task force does not have a defined name, which is needed for proper classification of these articles. Please add the %s parameter.',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'N'},
			collapsing = 'The %s task forces and/or work groups will automatically collapse if %s displayed. To change this setting, set or update the %s parameter.',
		check_assessment = {
			classes = {'A', 'AL', 'AM', 'B', 'BL', 'C', 'CL', 'D', 'DL', 'E', 'EL', 'List', 'Future', 'Annex', 'Disambig', 'File', 'Module', 'Redirect', 'Project', 'Template', 'Unassessed', 'NA'},
			extended_classes = {'Annex', 'Category', 'Disambig', 'File', 'Module', 'Project', 'Redirect', 'Template'},
			importances = {'Top', 'High', 'Mid', 'Low', 'NA', 'Unknown'},
			text = 'Some of the assessment categories required for %s do not currently exist, and should to be created to avoid redlinks appearing on talk pages. Alternatively, you may need to set or update the %s parameter in this template.',
			icon = 'Nuvola apps kfig.svg',
			create_summary = 'Creating category for assessment scheme',
			quality_preload = 'Template:WPBannerMeta/templatepage/preloadqual',
			importance_preload = 'Template:WPBannerMeta/templatepage/preloadimp',
			meta_preload = 'Template:WPBannerMeta/templatepage/preloadmeta',
			editintro = 'Template:WPBannerMeta/templatepage/editintro',
			parameter_suffix = 'ASSESSMENT_CAT',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'Assessment categories missing'},
			too_many = 'There are too many task forces to check the assessment categories for each one, so the following selection have been checked: %s.',
		check_other = {
			text = 'The following categories are required for the banner to work correctly. Please either create these categories or adjust the banner so that they are not required.',
			icon = 'Nuvola apps kfig.svg',
			tracking = {sort_key = 'Z'},
		default_tracking = 'Project banners with errors',
		template_categories = {
			non_standard = {},
			sandbox = {category = 'Project banner template sandboxes'},
			with_quality = {category = 'Project banners with quality assessment'},
			without_quality = {category = 'Project banners without quality assessment'},
			inactive = {category = 'Inactive Project banners'}
		parameters = {
			preview = 'Unexpected or deprecated parameter _VALUE_',
			category = '[[Category:Project banners with errors|U]]',
			extra = {
					trigger = 'IMAGE_LEFT',
					parameters = {'IMAGE_LEFT_SIZE'}
					trigger = 'IMAGE_RIGHT',
					parameters = {'IMAGE_RIGHT_SIZE'}
					trigger = 'class',
					triggers = {'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6'},
					parameters = {'B_DISPLAY_ON_START'},
					categories = {'B1_CAT', 'B2_CAT', 'B3_CAT', 'B4_CAT', 'B5_CAT', 'B6_CAT', 'B_MAIN_CAT'}
					triggers = {'importance', 'priority'},
					trigger = 'auto',
					parameters = {'AUTO_ASSESS_CAT'}
					trigger = 'attention',
					parameters = {'ATTENTION_CAT'}
					trigger = 'infobox',
					parameters = {'INFOBOX_CAT'}
					triggers = {'TODO_TEXT', 'TODO_LINK'},
					trigger = 'QII_FORMAT',
					trigger = 'image-needed',
					parameters = {'IM_IMAGE', 'image-location', 'image-details', 'image-topic', 'image-type'},
					triggers = {'collaboration-candidate', 'collaboration-current', 'collaboration-past'},
					parameters = {'COLL_LINK', 'COLL_TEXT', 'COLL_IMAGE'},
					trigger = 'a class',
					triggers = {'peer review', 'old peer review'},
					parameters = {'PR_LINK', 'peer review title', 'PR_IMAGE', 'PR_SIZE'},
					categories = {'PR_CAT', 'PR_OLD_CAT', 'PR_INVALID_CAT'}
			taskforce = {
				prefix = 'TF_%s_',
			note = {
				prefix = 'NOTE_%s_',
				suffix = {'TEXT', 'IMAGE', 'CAT', 'SIZE'},
			tracking = 'Automatic parameter checking is enabled and pages with invalid parameters can be found in the [[%s|tracking category]].',
			create = 'Automatic parameter checking is enabled. Create the [[%s|tracking category]] to track invalid parameters.',
		inactive = 'This project has been identified as %s. To reactivate this project, change <code>inactive</code> on the first line to <code>main</code>.'
	auto_doc = {
		attention = 'set _PARAMETER|yes_ if the article needs immediate attention from experienced editors. Use only if another parameter does not cover the need for attention; this should be used sparingly. It is strongly encouraged to also add a section to the talk page explaining what needs attention. This parameter populates [[:Category:%s]].',
		auto = 'this parameter is for the use of bots and indicates that the article has been automatically rated:\n'
			.. '*length – based on the length of the article;\n'
			.. '*inherit – because one or more other projects use this class;\n'
			.. '*yes or stub (in conjunction with <code>|class=stub</code>) – as E-Class because it uses a stub template.\n'
			.. 'Use of the above values with this parameter populates [[:Category:%s]].',
		category = 'set _PARAMETER|no_ if, and only if, a banner is being used for demonstration or testing purposes, to prevent unnecessary or undesirable categorization. Otherwise, omit this parameter.',
		image_needed = {
			text = 'to request that %s be [[Help:Uploading images|added]] to the page.',
			location = 'specify the location of the requested image. Will be categorized into Category:Requested %ss in LOCATION, where LOCATION is the value of the _PARAMETER_ paramater.',
			details = 'additional text to insert before the words \"be [[Help:Uploading images|added]] to this article\" to describe the subject or type of image that is requested.',
			topic = 'specify the topic of the requested image. Will be categorized into Category:Requested %ss of TOPIC, where TOPIC is the value of the _PARAMETER_ parameter.',
			_type = 'overrides the default text (%s); also used to categorize the request.',
			default = 'If no %s is specified then [[:Category:%s]] is used by default.'
		importance = {
			see_below = 'see [[#Importance assessment]] below.',
			heading = 'Importance assessment',
			standard = 'This project uses the standard importance scale. Valid values are shown below.',
			_table = {
				_input = 'Input<br>(not case sensitive)',
				importance = 'Importance',
				category = 'Category',
				population = 'Population',
			classes = {'Top', 'High', 'Mid', 'Low', 'NA'}
		infobox = 'set _PARAMETER|yes_ if the article needs an infobox. Remember that infoboxes are not suitable for all articles, and can overwhelm short articles. This parameter populates [[:Category:%s]].',
		listas = 'this parameter, which is the equivalent of the [[Help:Category#Default sort key|DEFAULTSORT sortkey]] that should be placed on all articles that need specialized sorting, is a sortkey for the article talk page (e.g. for %s, use %s so that the talk page will show up in the %s\'s and not the %s\'s of the various assessment and administrative categories. Similarly, for topics with titles beginning with an [[w:article (grammar)|article]] such as "the" or "a" - e.g. for %s, use %s so that the talk page will show up in the %s\'s. This is important because it is one source used by those who set DEFAULTSORT on the article; consider also setting the DEFAULTSORT for the article when setting this parameter.  It is not required if another project template on the same page has its own {{para|listas}} set, since it affects the sortkey of all banners and templates.',
		note = {
			yes_no = 'set _PARAMETER|yes_ or any non-blank value other than "no", "n" or "0". ',
			text = 'The following message will be displayed: "%s"',
			category = 'This will populate [[:Category:%s]].'
		quality = {
			see_below = 'see [[#Quality assessment]] below.',
			heading = 'Quality assessment',
			custom = 'This project has opted to use custom quality criteria. See the %s for details.',
			default = 'This project uses %s. Valid values are shown below.',
			class_parameter = 'Classification based on class parameter',
			_table = {
				_input = 'Input<br>(not case sensitive)',
				icon = 'Icon',
				class = 'Class',
				category = 'Category',
				population = 'Population',
				namespace = 'Namespace'
			classes = {'A', 'AL', 'AM', 'B', 'BL', 'C', 'CL', 'D', 'DL', 'E', 'EL', 'List', 'Unassessed', 'NA'},
			extended_classes = {'File', 'Module', 'Template', 'Project', 'Disambig', 'Annex'},
			redirect = 'Classification of redirects and disambiguation pages',
			redirects = 'Redirects will automatically be classified as %s-class and placed in %s.',
			dabs = 'Disambiguation pages will automatically be classified as %s-class and placed in %s.',
			not_defined = 'If the <code>|class=</code> parameter is not defined and the project banner is placed on the talk page of a redirect (in any namespace) or disambigation page then it will automatically be classified as follows:',
			namespace = 'Classification based on namespace',
			deduced = 'In addition, if <code>|class=</code> is empty, undefined or unrecognized, then the class will be deduced from the namespace of the page when possible.',
			other = 'In all other circumstances, articles will be classed as <i>Unassessed</i> and placed in [[:Category:Unassessed %s]].'
		task_force = {
			yes_no = 'set _PARAMETER|yes_ if the article is supported by [[%s|%s]]. ',
			category = 'This parameter populates [[:Category:%s]]. ',
			class = 'This parameter populates the relevant subcategory of [[:Category:%s by quality]] based on the <code>|%s=</code> parameter. ',
			importance = 'This parameter uses %s to populate the relevant subcategory of [[:Category:%s by importance]].'
	WPBS_redirects = {'Talk header', 'WikiProject banner shell', 'WikiProject banner shell/sandbox', 'Bannershell', 'Multiple wikiprojects', 'Project shell', 'Scope shell', 'WPB', 'WPBS', 'WPBannerShell', 'WP Banner Shell', 'WP banner shell', 'WikiProjectBannerShell', 'WikiProjectBanner Shell', 'WikiProjectBanners', 'WikiProject BannerShell', 'WikiProject Banner Shell', 'WikiProject Banners', 'WikiProject Banners Shell', 'WikiProject Shell', 'WikiProject banner', 'WikiProject banner shell/redirect', 'WikiProject shell', 'WikiprojectBannerShell', 'Wikiproject banner holder', 'Wikiproject banner shell', 'Wikiprojectbanners', 'Wikiprojectbannershell', 'Wpb', 'Wpbannershell', 'Wpbsgclass', 'Article assessment', 'Wpbs'},