E5 in Spain

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The E-5 in Spain is a series of roads, part of the International E-road network, running from the French border near Irun, via Madrid to Algeciras. The E5 originates in Scotland, travelling south to Southampton where it crosses the English Channel to the French city of Le Havre. Via Paris and Bordeaux it reaches the Spanish border near Hendaye.[1]


The E-5 in Spain starts at the French border in Irun, Basque Country, arriving from the A63 autoroute from Bordeaux and Bayonne. It follows the AP-8 to the major city San Sebastián until Eibar. In Eibar, the E-5 turns south towards the AP-1 going to the Basque capital Vitoria-Gasteiz. After crossing the small Treviño enclave, it crosses the border with Castile and León towards Burgos. After Burgos, the road goes further south through the arid regions of central Spain, arriving in the Spanish capital Madrid. The E5 uses the eastern part of the Madrid Ring Road M-40, passing the Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport. South of Madrid, near Getafe, the E5 follows the A-4 highway going south. The road enters the sparsely populated Castilla–La Mancha region, where it passes both of the major cities Toledo and Ciudad Real about 50 km to the east. In Southern Spain, the border with Andalusia is crossed in the Despeñaperros national park. At Bailen, there is an important junction with the E902 towards Granada and Málaga. The E5 goes southwest passing Córdoba to end at the capital of Andalusia and the major city Seville, passing the city on the east. The A-4 transforms into the AP-4 towards the city of Jerez de la Frontera and the coastal city Cádiz. South of Cádiz, the E5 uses the A-48 highway and the N-340 road close the Atlantic coast, passing the most southern point of Europe in Tarifa, to end at the port city of Algeciras, just across Gibraltar. The E5 passes five regions (Basque Country, Castile and León, Madrid, Castilla–La Mancha and Andalusia) as well as 10 provinces. The E5 is a toll road from Irun to Eibar on the Autopista AP-8 and on the Autopista AP-1 from Eibar to Vitoria-Gasteiz and from Miranda de Ebro to Burgos. They are all open toll systems.[2] Although the Autopista AP-4 from Seville to Cádiz should be a toll road, it is not in practice.[3] The E-5 covers a total distance of 1.221 km (759 mi) in Spain.

Detailed route

E5 Irun – Algeciras
Province[4] National

road number

Section Junction Northbound




European UnionFranceNouvelle-Aquitaine Autoroute française 63.svg

A63 motorway

 France towards Bayonne, Bordeaux and Paris
European UnionSpainBasque Country (autonomous community)

Basque Country



AP-8 motorway

Autopista del Cantábrico

IrunSan Sebastián Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 0 N-121-A Irun, Pamplona, San Sebastián Airport, San Sebastián (N1)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 7 GI-636 Irun, Hondarribia, San Sebastián Airport

Spain traffic signal r200a.svg Irun-Ventas

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png services of Oiartzun

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 11 GI-2132 Oiartzun, Errenteria, Lezo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 12 GI-20 San Sebastián, Errenteria, Pasaia

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 19 A-15, GI-40 Pamplona, San Sebastián, Astigarraga, Hernani, Zaragoza (AP-68),  France (Bayonne, Bordeaux)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png services of Hernani





San Sebastián



San SebastiánEibar Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 24 A-1, N-1 Lasarte-Oria, Andoain, Tolosa, Pamplona (A-15) (only westbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 27 GI-20 San Sebastián, Lasarte-Oria (GI-11), Pamplona (A-15), Tolosa (A-1) (only eastbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 33 N-634 Orio, Aia

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 38 N-634 Zarautz, Getaria, Orio

Spain traffic signal r200a.svg Zarautz

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 48 GI-631 Zestoa, Azpeitia, Azkoitia, Zumaia (N-634)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 54 N-634 Deba, Itziar, Mutriku, Ondarroa, Lekeitio, services

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 64 N-634, GI-2634 Elgoibar, Mendaro, Azkoitia, Markina-Xemein

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 69, 145 AP-1, AP-8, E70, E80 Bilbao, Eibar, Ermua, Santander, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Burgos, Bergara, Madrid, Algeciras, San Sebastián, Irun  France (Bordeaux)

San Sebastián


 France (Bordeaux)





AP-1 motorway

Autopista del Norte

EibarLeintz Gatzaga Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 138 GI-627 Bergara-herrigunea/centro, Elgeta, Elorrio (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 133 GI-627 Bergara-hegoa/sur, Beasain (A-636), Zumarraga

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 130 GI-627 , N-636 Mondragón/Arrasate, Durango, Oñati

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png services of Mondragón/Arrasate (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 123 GI-627 Aretxabaleta, Eskoriatza, Leintz Gatzaga

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png services of Eskoriatza (only southbound)



Araba/Álava Leintz GatzagaEtxebarri Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 107 N-240 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Bilbao, Legutio

Spain traffic signal r200a.svg near Etxebarri-Ibiña

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 102 Etxebarri-Ibiña

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 101 N-622, N-624 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Bilbao, Vitoria Airport, Foronda, Murgia, Burgos (A-1)

N-622 EtxebarriVitoria-Gasteiz Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 6 A-3602, A-4405 Aránguiz

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg A-1, E80 Vitoria-Gasteiz, San Sebastián, Pamplona (A-10), Miranda de Ebro, Burgos, Madrid, Valladolid (A-62), Logroño (AP-68)

Autovía A-1.svg

Autovía A-1 motorway

Autovía del Norte

Vitoria-GasteizLa Puebla de Arganzón Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png services near Lopidana

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 348, 347 A-3302 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Mendoza

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 345 A-4302 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Trespuentes, Júndiz Industrial Zone

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 343 A-3302, N-102 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Mendoza, Nanclares de la Oca, Subillabide Industrial Zone

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services of Ruta de Europa (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 340 A-2622 Nanclares de la Oca, Los Llanos Industrial Zone



San Sebastián




European UnionSpainCastile and León Castile and León


Treviño enclave

La Puebla de Arganzón Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 334 CL-127, N-1 La Puebla de Arganzón, Treviño
European UnionSpainBasque Country (autonomous community)

Basque Country


La Puebla de ArganzónArmiñón Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 328 N-1, A-4160 Armiñón, Estavillo

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 328 AP-1, E80 Burgos, Valladolid, Madrid, Vitoria-Gasteiz, San Sebastián, Miranda de Ebro, Bilbao (AP-68), Logroño (AP-68)


Autopista AP-1 motorway

Autopista del Norte

ArmiñónMiranda de Ebro Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 6 AP-68, E804 Bilbao, Miranda de Ebro-Sur, Haro, Logroño, Zaragoza Vitoria-Gasteiz


San Sebastián

European UnionSpainCastile and León Castile and León


Miranda de EbroBurgos Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking Miranda de Ebro

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 5 BU-535, A-2122 Miranda de Ebro, Puentelarrá

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 4a N-1 Ameyugo, Santa Gadea del Cid, Burgos, Vitoria-Gasteiz

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Ameyugo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 4 N-232 Pancorbo, Santander, Logroño, Haro

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking near Pancorbo

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking near Grisaleña

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 3 N-1 Briviesca, Burgos, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Belorado (BU-710)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Briviesca

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking near Santa Olalla de Bureba

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Quintanapalla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 2 N-1 Villafría, Rubena, Burgos-Norte (A-1), Santander (A-1)

Spain traffic signal r200a.svg Cardeñajimeno

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 1, 242 A-1 Burgos-Norte, Santander (N-623), Burgos Airport, Logroño (N-120)

Autovía A-1.svg

Autovía A-1 motorway

Autovía del Norte

BurgosAranda de Duero Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 238 Burgos-Centro, Santander (N-623), Cortes

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 236 BU-30, BU-11, E80 Burgos-Centro, Madrid, Aranda de Duero, Soria (N-234), Palencia (A-62), Valladolid (A-62), León (A-231), Miranda de Ebro (AP-1), Bilbao (AP-1), Vitoria-Gasteiz (AP-1), Logroño (N-120), Santander (N-623)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 235, 234 Services near Burgos, Villagonzalo Pedernales

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 233, 232 BU-V-1002 Villariezo, Arcos de la Llana

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 230 N-234 Soria, Sarracín

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Sarracín

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 225 Services near Revillarruz, Revillarruz

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 223, 221 Cogollos

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 219 Valdorros

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 216 BU-V-9012 Madrigal del Monte, Hontoria de la Cantera (N-234), Cubillo del Campo (N-234)

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png 215 Parking near Madrigalejo del Monte (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 214 BU-V-1012 Montuenga, Villangómez (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 213 BU-V-1411 Madrigalejo del Monte, Villamayor de los Montes

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 210 BU-V-1013 Villamayor de los Montes, Torrecilla del Monte

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 204 Villalmanzo, pol. industrial (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 203 N-622, BU-904 Lerma, Tordómar, Salas de los Infantes (BU-904), Palencia (A-62)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 202 Lerma-centro, Lerma train station

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 200 Lerma-sur, Santo Domingo de Silos (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 198 BU-114 Quintanilla de la Mata, Villafruela

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 196 Quintanilla de la Mata (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 189 BU-V-1106, BU-V-9190 Fontioso, Cilleruelo de Abajo

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Granja Guimara

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 185 BU-130, BU-V-9204 Cabañes de Esgueva, Roa, Pineda-Trasmonte, Sotillo de la Ribera

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 182 Bahabón de Esgueva, Santibáñez de Esgueva, Cabañes de Esgueva, Torresandino (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 180 Bahabón de Esgueva, Santibáñez de Esgueva, Cabañes de Esgueva, Torresandino

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 176 BU-V-1104, BU-V-9203 Oquillas, Pinilla Trasmonte, Gumiel de Mercado, La Aguilera, Quintana del Pidio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 171 Gumiel de Izán, Caleruega, Quintana del Pidio, Gumiel de Mercado, Tubilla del Lago

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 168 Villanueva de Gumiel, Quemada, Zazuar, Peñaranda de Duero

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 165, 164 N-1 Aranda de Duero-Norte, Monte Costaján, Segovia (CL-603)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 159 CL-619 Aranda de Duero, Villalba de Duero, La Horra, Palencia

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 158 N-122 Aranda de Duero-Centro, Castrillo de la Vega, Valladolid, Soria




Aranda de Duero


Aranda de DueroPardilla Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 154 A-11 Valladolid, Soria, Aranda de Duero-Sur (N-1)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 153, 152 N-1 Fuentespina, Aranda de Duero

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Milagros

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 147, 146 N-1 Milagros

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 144, 143 BU-202 Pardilla, Fuentenebro, Moradillo de Roa

Aranda de Duero


Segovia PardillaSanto Tomé del Puerto Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 140 SG-A-9321 Honrubia de la Cuesta, Villaverde de Montejo, Valdevacas de Montejo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 137, 136 SG-A-9321 Honrubia de la Cuesta, Villaverde de Montejo, Valdevacas de Montejo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 134, 133 BU-V-9321 Villalvilla de Montejo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 131, 130 SG-V-2414 Pradales, Aldeanueva de la Serrezuela, Cedillo de la Torre

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 124 Fresno de la Fuente, Grajera (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 123 SG-V-9111 Fresno de la Fuente, Grajera (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 121 Encinas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 118 N-1, SG-V-9112 Boceguillas, Grajera, Aldeonte (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 117, 116 N-1, SG-232 Boceguillas, Sepúlveda, Barbolla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 115 N-1 Boceguillas (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg weight station near Castillejo de Mesleón

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 110 SG-234, SG-911 Sepúlveda, Riaza, Castillejo de Mesleón (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 109 Castillejo de Mesleón (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 107 Sotillo, Soto de Sepúlveda

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 104, 103 N-110, SG-205 Cerezo de Abajo, Riaza, Burgo de Osma-Ciudad de Osma, Soria, Cantalejo, Cuéllar

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 100 N-110, SG-205 Cerezo de Abajo, Riaza, Burgo de Osma-Ciudad de Osma, Soria, Cantalejo, Cuéllar (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 99 N-110 Santo Tomé del Puerto, Casla, Prádena, Segovia

European UnionSpainCommunity of MadridCommunity of Madrid Santo Tomé del PuertoMadrid Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 92 N-1 Somosierra, Robregordo (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 91 N-1 Somosierra, Robregordo (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 87 N-1 Robregordo, La Acebeda

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 85 M-141 Horcajo de la Sierra, Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Montejo de la Sierra

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 83 M-136, M-978 Horcajo de la Sierra, La Acebeda, Aoslos

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Service near La Serna del Monte (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 79 M-132, M-636 La Serna del Monte, Piñuécar-Gandullas, Gascones

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 76 N-1 Buitrago del Lozoya, Piñuécar-Gandullas (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 75 M-634 Buitrago del Lozoya, Villavieja del Lozoya

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 74 N-1, M-126 Buitrago del Lozoya, Manjirón

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 69 M-604 Lozoya, Rascafría, Gargantilla del Lozoya y Pinilla de Buitrago

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 68 M-135 Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 67 M-135 Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 66 M-131 Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias, El Berrueco

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 65 Service near Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 60 N-1, M-127 La Cabrera, El Berrueco

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 57 N-1, M-124, M-610 La Cabrera, Valdemanco, Torrelaguna, Bustarviejo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 55 N-1, M-631 Cabanillas de la Sierra, Bustarviejo, Navalafuente (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 50 N-1, N-320 Venturada, Guadalix de la Sierra, , Torrelaguna, Soto del Real, Guadalajara

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 49 Cotos de Monterrey

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 47 M-122 El Vellón, Pedrezuela, El Molar-Norte

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 45 M-129 El Vellón, El Molar-Centro

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 41 N-1 El Molar-Sur, Pedrezuela

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 36 San Agustín del Guadalix

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 34 M-104 San Agustín del Guadalix, Colmenar Viejo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 30 Polígono industrial sur

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Services near Santo Domingo (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 28 Urbanizaciones Santo Domingo & Ciudalcampo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 26 Services near Santo Domingo (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 24 M-100 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Fuente del Fresno, Algete, Cobeña

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 23 M-100 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Algete, Cobeña (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 21 M-50, M-45, R2 Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Torrejón de Ardoz, Guadalajara (A-2), Zaragoza (A-2)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 20 San Sebastián de los Reyes (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 19 San Sebastián de los Reyes (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 17 M-12, R-2 Alcobendas, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 16 M-616, M-607 Alcobendas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 15 Alcobendas, Fuencarral-El Pardo (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 14 Alcobendas-Oeste, El Soto (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 13 M-40 Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Zaragoza (A-2), Valencia (A-3), Albacete (AP-36), Murcia (AP-36), Ciudad Real (A-4), Granada (A-4), Seville (A-4), Toledo (A-42), Badajoz (A-5), Valladolid (A-6), A Coruña (A-6)

ESP M-40.svg

Autopista de Circunvalación M-40

Ring road of Madrid

Madrid Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 2-B R-2 Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Zaragoza (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 2-B M-11 Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Madrid (M-30) (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 3 M-11 Madrid (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 5 Madrid-Hortaleza

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 6 Madrid-Canillas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 7 Madrid-Palomas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 8 Madrid-Barajas (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 8 M-12 Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Zaragoza (R-2), Burgos (A-1) (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 9ab M-21, E90, Madrid-Canillejas, Estadio Metropolitano de Madrid, Torrejón de Ardoz, Alcalá de Henares, Coslada, San Fernando de Henares, Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Zaragoza (A-2)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 10 M-201 Madrid-Rosas, Coslada

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 12 Madrid-Arcos, Madrid-Vicálvaro (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 13 R-3 Madrid, Mejorada del Campo, Arganda del Rey, Valencia (A-3)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 14 Madrid-Moratalaz, Madrid-Vicálvaro (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 15ab A-3, E901 Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Arganda del Rey, Tarancón, Valencia, Albacete (A-31), Cuenca (A-40)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 16 Madrid-Villa de Vallecas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 19a Madris-Puente de Vallecas, Mercamadrid market (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg19(b) M-31, M-45, M-50 Cordobá (R-4), Getafe, Parla, Fuenlabrada

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 20 Madrid-Villa de Vallecas, Mercamadrid market (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 21ab A-4 Madrid, Getafe, Cordobá, Seville, Albacete (AP-36), Murcia (AP-36), Granada (A-44), Ciudad Real (A-43), Toledo (A-42), Badajoz (A-5), Valladolid (A-6), A Coruña (A-6)




A Coruña






Autovía A-4.svg

Autovía A-4 motorway

Autovía del Sur

MadridCiempozuelos Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 9, 12b M-45 Madrid-Villa de Vallecas, Madrid-Villaverde, Leganés, Alcorcón

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 12a Madrid-Centro (only northbound)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Services near Getafe

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 13 M-406 Getafe, Cerro de los Ángeles, Getafe-Perales del Río

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Los Ángeles services

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 16 Parque empresarial (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 17a Área empresarial Andalucía (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 17(b) M-50 Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Torrejón de Ardoz, Getafe, Leganés, Alcorcón, Móstoles, Fuenlabrada

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 18 Industrial area in Pinto (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 17 Área empresarial Andalucía (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 20 M-841 Pinto, San Martín de la Vega

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 22 M-506 Pinto, San Martín de la Vega, Parla, Fuenlabrada, Móstoles, Córdoba (via R-4)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 23 M-423 Zona industrial

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 24 Poligono industrial Valdemoro

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 26a Valdemoro-Norte (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 26(b) Valdemoro-Centro

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 27, 28 Valdemoro-Sur

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 29 M-404 Valdemoro-Sur, Ciempozuelos, Navalcarnero, Torrejón de la Calzada, Córdoba (via R-4), Madrid (via R-4)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 32, 34 Vía de servicio

Madrid Ciudad Real



European UnionSpainCastilla–La Mancha Castilla–La Mancha


CiempozuelosSeseña Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 36 CM-4010 Seseña, Illescas, Madrid (via R-4)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 37 M-305 Aranjuez-Norte (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 39 M-305, M-307 Aranjuez-Norte, Ciempozuelos

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 44 CM-4001a Añover de Tajo, Toledo, Madrid (via R-4)

European UnionSpainCommunity of Madrid

Community of Madrid

SeseñaAranjuez Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 47 M-416 Aranjuez-Centro, Córdoba (via R-4), Madrid (via R-4)
European UnionSpainCastilla–La Mancha Castilla–La Mancha


AranjuezOcaña Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 52 N-400 Aranjuez-Sur, Toledo, Ontígola

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 53, 54 Ontígola, Vía de servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 61 N-400, CM-4014 Ocaña, Yepes, Noblejas

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 62 A-40 Tarancón, Cuenca, Valencia (A-3), Albacete (N-301), Madrid (R-4)

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 65, 66 R-4, AP-36 Madrid, Aranjuez, Toledo (N-400), Albacete (A-31), Alicante (A-31), Murcia (A-30)

OcañaPuerto Lápice Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 69, 70 TO-2657 Dosbarrios, Noblejas

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Dosbarrios

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 72 Dosbarrios (only northbound)

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png 79 Parking near La Guardia

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 81, 83 CM-3005, CM-4006 La Guardia, Lillo, Huerta de Valdecarábanos

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 85 near La Guardia

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 92 CM-410, CM-3000 Tembleque-Norte, Mora, El Romeral (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 93 CM-410, CM-3000 Tembleque-Centro, Mora, El Romeral, Villacañas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 94 CM-410, CM-3000 Tembleque-Sur, Mora, El Romeral, Villacañas (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 98 CM-4056 Turleque

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Turleque

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 106, 107 Services near Turleque

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 112 Services near Madridejos

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 115 Madridejos-Norte (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 118 CM-3128 Madridejos-Centro, Villacañas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 119 CM-400 Madridejos-Sur, Camuñas, Consuegra

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 121 CM-42 Madridejos, Consuegra, Toledo, Alcázar de San Juan, Tomelloso

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Puerto Lápice

Ciudad Real



Ciudad Real Puerto LápiceManzanares Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 135 CM-420 Puerto Lápice, Herencia, Alcázar de San Juan, Cuenca

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 136, 137 CM-240 Arenas de San Juan, Villarrubia de los Ojos, Daimiel, Ciudad Real

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 140 Services near Puerto Lápice

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking near Villarta de San Juan

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 144 CM-3105, CR-1342 Villarta de San Juan-Norte, Herencia

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 147 CM-3113, CM-4126 Villarta de San Juan-Centro, Arenas de San Juan, Villarrubia de los Ojos, Argamasilla de Alba, Tomelloso

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 149 Villarta de San Juan-Sur (only northbound)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 153 Services near Villarta de San Juan (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 155 Vía de servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 159 CR-1414 Herencia (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 160 CR-1513 Llanos del Caudillo

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 162 Services near Llanos del Caudillo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 167 Vía de servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 170 A-43, E903 Ciudad Real, Daimiel, Manzanares-Norte, Tomelloso, Albacete

Madrid Jaén



ManzanaresSanta Elena Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 162 Services near Manzanares

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 174 N-430 Manzanares-Centro, Ciudad Real (A-43) (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 175, 176 CM-9313, CM-4124 Manzanares-Sur, Almagro, Bolaños de Calatrava, Moral de Calatrava

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 178 Vía de servicio

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 179 Services near Manzanares (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 180, 181 CRP-6032 Membrilla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 184 Consolación-Norte

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 179 Services near Consolación (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 186 CRP-5214 Consolación-Sur

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 191 Services near Valdepeñas

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png El Hidalgo services

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 197 Valdepeñas-Norte

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 199 Valdepeñas, Vía de servicio (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 200, 201 CM-412, CM-4117 Valdepeñas-Centro/Sur, Ciudad Real, Alcaraz, Moral de Calatrava, Almagro, Daimiel, Villanueva de los Infantes

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 202 Vía de servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 205 Vía de servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 208 CM-3157, CR-5221 Valdepeñas-Sur

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 210 Services near Valdepeñas

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking near Santa Cruz de Mudela

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 213, 214 CR-613, CM-4122, CR-5222 Santa Cruz de Mudela-Norte, Torrenueva, Calzada de Calatrava, Moral de Calatrava

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 216 CR-5222, CM-4122 Santa Cruz de Mudela, Moral de Calatrava, Calzada de Calatrava, Bazán

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 217 Santa Cruz de Mudela

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 220 CR-6102 Las Virtudes

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 210 Services near Santa Cruz de Mudela (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 223 Bazán

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 227 Vía de servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 230 CM-3200 Almuradiel-Norte, Castellar de Santiago (only soutbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 231 Almuradiel-Centro (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 232 CM-4111, CM-3200 Almuradiel-Sur, Castellar de Santiago, Viso del Marqués (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 234 Vía de servicio

Pictograma Aparcamiento.png Parking near Almuradiel (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 241 Venta de Cárdenas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 243, 244 N-IVa Venta de Cárdenas, Despeñaperros national park


Ciudad Real

European UnionSpainAndalusia Andalusia


Santa ElenaBailén Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 250, 252 N-IVa, A-6200 Aldeaquemada, Despeñaperros national park

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 257 N-IVa, JV-5021 Santa Elena-Norte, Miranda del Rey

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 258 JA-7100, J-5020 Santa Elena-Centro, La Aliseda (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 259 J-6120 Santa Elena-Sur (only northbound)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 262 Services near Santa Elena

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 264 JA-7100 Navas de Tolosa, La Aliseda (only southbound)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 265 Services near La Carolina (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 266 A-301, A-6106 La Carolina-Norte, Vilches, Navas de Tolosa

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 268 A-6106 La Carolina-Centro, Vilches, Arquillos

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 269 services near La Carolina (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 270 JA-6100 La Carolina-Sur, El Centenillo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 274 Carboneros, El Acebuchar (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 275 JV-6033 Carboneros, La Mesa

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 280 JV-5043 Los Ríos, El Altico, Guarromán-Norte

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 283 A-303 Guarromán, Linares

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png 285, 286 Services near Guarromán

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 288 A-601 Baños de la Encina, Linares

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 292 A-44, E902, N-322 Bailén, Jaén, Granada, Málaga (A-7), Almería (A-7), Linares (A-32), Úbeda (A-32), Albacete (A-32)

BailénVilla del Río Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 299 Bailén, El Burguillo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 301 JV-3151 Zocueca

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Bailén

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 303 JV-3151, J-2320 La Esperanza Cubana

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 310 A-6075, J-2320 Villanueva de la Reina, Mengíbar

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 312 La Quintería

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 316, 317 Los Villares de Andújar, La Parrilla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 318 Vía servicio (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 319 Vía servicio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 321 Andújar

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 323 A-311 Andújar, Jaén, Arjona, Lahiguera, Martos

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 324, 325 Andújar, Andújar industrial area, Andújar railway station

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 326 Llanos del Sotillo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 329 A-420, J-205 Marmolejo, Arjonilla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 335 J-514 Marmolejo, Arjonilla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 339 JV-5103 San Julián

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 346 A-6175, J-205 Lopera, Arjonilla




Córdoba Villa del RíoCórdoba Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 348 A-3101, CP-126 Villa del Río, Cañete de las Torres

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 350 CP-180 Villa del Río, La Vega, Bujalance

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 356 Huertos familiares de San Fernando

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 358, 359 N-420, A-309 Montoro, Bujalance, Ciudad Real

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 361 Montoro

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 364 CO-3102, A-3000 Adamuz, Algallarín

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 367, 370 N-IV, CO-4102, CP-117, CO-3107 Pedro Abad, Adamuz, Alcurrucen, Bujalance

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 374 El Carpio

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 377 A-421, A-306 Villafranca de Córdoba, El Carpio, Adamuz, Jaén

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 383 CP-263 Alcolea, Bujalance

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 385 CO-3109 Santa Cruz

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 391 CO-3105 Alcolea, Córdoba prison

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Córdoba

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 396 El Levigar

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 398,399 N-41, CO-31 Córdoba-Norte, Alcolea, Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo, Pozoblanco, Badajoz (N-432)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 400 Córdoba – Carrer Virgen del Mar

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 401 Córdoba – Centro Histórico

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 403, 404 A-431, N-432 Córdoba-Sur, Baena, Granada

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 406 A-3050 Córdoba-Oeste

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 409 A-45, CO-32 Córdoba-Oeste, Córdoba Airport, Montilla, Lucena, Antequera, Málaga



CórdobaLa Carlota Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Córdoba

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 418 N-331 Fernán Núñez, Montilla, Málaga

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 420 CO-3304 Guadalcázar

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 424 N-IV, A-3052 Aldea Quintana, La Victoria, La Rambla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 430 CP-327 El Arrecife, El Rinconcillo, La Chica Carlota, La Fuencubierta

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 432 A-445 La Carlota-Norte, Posadas, Palma del Río, Fuente Palmera

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 434 N-IV La Carlota-Sur



Seville La CarlotaSeville Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 437 Los Algarbes

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 441 A-386, SE-9103 Santaella, Montalbán de Córdoba, La Rambla, Montilla, Fuente Palmera

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Cerro Perea

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 443, 444 Cerro Perea

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 450 N-IVa, A-453, SE-9105 Écija, Palma del Río, Lucena, Santaella

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 455 A-351, A-388 Écija, Osuna, Estepa, Puente Genil, El Rubio

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Écija (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 457 A-364 Marchena, Arahal (A-92), Utrera

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 461 Villanueva del Rey

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 464 Parque Emresarial La Luisiana

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near La Luisiana (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 468 SE-9104 La Luisiana, El Campillo, Cañada Rosal, Palma del Río

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 471 La Luisiana, El Campillo, Cañada Rosal, Palma del Río

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 482 A-456, A-407 La Campana, Fuentes de Andalucía, Lantejuela, Osuna, Lora del Río

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Fuentes de Andalucía

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services Las Cumbres (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 498 SE-6103 La Campana, Palma del Río

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 500 SE-226 Fuentes de Andalucía

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 504 N-IVa, A-380 Carmona-Este, Marchena, Arahal

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 506 A-457, SE-4107 Carmona-Norte, Lora del Río, Alcolea del Río

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 508 A-462 Carmona-Centro, Brenes

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 511 N-IVa, A-398 Carmona-Oeste, El Viso del Alcor, Mairena del Alcor

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 514 SE-3201 Tocina, El Viso del Alcor

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 516 Las Monjas, Matallana

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 519 Los Nietos, El Chaparral

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 521 A-8025, SE-3105 Mairena del Alcor, Brenes

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 523 El Secorro, Pino Grande, Torrepalma

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 524 Torrepalma (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 526 SE-40 Granada (A-92), Málaga (A-92), Utrera (A-376), Alcalá de Guadaíra, Dos Hermanas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 528 P.E. Aeronáutico, Club de Campo

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 530 P.I. Los Espartales (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 532 Seville Airport

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 533 Seville Airport (only northbound)

Seville Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 535 SE-20 Seville-Este, Brenes (A-8008), La Rinconada (A-8008), Huelva (A-49), Mérida (A-66) (only southbound)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Seville

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 536, 537 Seville ring road Seville-Norte, Mérida (A-66)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 0 Seville-Centro, Avenida Kansas City, Seville-Santa Justa railway station, Mérida (A-66) (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 1 Seville-Centro, Seville-Este, Avenida Montes Sierra

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 2 A-92 Seville-Centro, Mercasevilla, Granada (A-92), Málaga (A-92), Antequera (A-92), Alcalá de Guadaíra (A-92)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 3 La Negrilla train station, Palmete, Amate

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 4 Su Eminencia, La Plata, Padre Pío (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 5 A-8028, A-92 Padre Pío, Palmete, Torreblanca, Alcalá de Guadaíra (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 6 A-376 Seville-Centro, Avenida de La Paz, Pablo de Olavide University, Utrera

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 8 N-IV Seville-Centro, Avenida La Palmera, Bellavista, Dos Hermanas

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 9, 554 SE-30 Seville-Oeste, Port of Seville, Mairena del Aljarafe, San Juan de Aznalfarache, Tomares, Huelva (A-49), Mérida (A-66), Córdoba, Madrid,  Portugal (Faro)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 549 Pol. ind. La Isla

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 549 SE-40, SE-31 Seville-Oeste, Dos Hermanas, Alcalá de Guadaíra, Seville Airport, Córdoba (A-4), Madrid (A-4), Granada (A-92), Málaga (A-92)

Jerez de la Frontera


SevilleDos Hermanas Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 553 SE-3205 Isla Minor, Dos Hermanas-Centro

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 558 N-IV, A-4 Dos Hermanas-Sur, Los Palacios y Villafranca (only southbound)



ESP AP-4.svg

Autopista AP-4

Autopista del sur

Dos HermanasEl Cuervo de Sevilla Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 15 N-IV Dos Hermanas (only northbound)

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Los Palacios services (only southbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 23, 24 N-IVa, A-362 Los Palacios y Villafranca, Utrera

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png El Fantasma services (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 44, 45 A-417, A-417R, A-371 Las Cabezas de San Juan, Lebrija, Villamartín, Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 53 N-IV El Cuervo de Sevilla, Lebrija (only southbound)

Cádiz El Cuervo de SevillaJerez de la Frontera Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png El Cuadrejón services

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 79 N-349, A-4 Jerez de la Frontera-Norte, Jerez Airport, Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 80 A-382 Circuito de Jerez, Arcos de la Frontera, Ronda

Jerez de la FronteraPuerto Real Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 84, 85 A-381 Jerez de la Frontera-Sur, El Puerto de Santa María, Medina-Sidonia, Los Barrios, Algeciras

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 101, 658 A-4, CA-3113 Cádiz, El Puerto de Santa María, Jerez de la Frontera, Seville, Algeciras, San Fernando, Chiclana de la Frontera, Puerto Real


Jerez de la Frontera



Autovía A-4.svg

Autovía A-4 motorway

Autovía del Sur

Puerto RealSan Fernando Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 658 A-408 Puerto Real, Paterna de Rivera (only northbound)

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 660 CA-2302 Puerto Real, Puerto Real Hospital

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 664 CA-3205 Jarana

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 668 CA-33 San Fernando, Cádiz

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg 668, 1 A-48 Chiclana de la Frontera, Algeciras, Conil de la Frontera, Jerez de la Frontera, Seville


Jerez de la Frontera


ESP A-48.svg

Autovía A-48 motorway

Autovía Costa de la Luz

San FernandoVejer de la Frontera Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 2 Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 3 CA-2104 Chiclana de la Frontera-Centro, El Marquesado

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 7 A-390 Chiclana de la Frontera-Este, Medina-Sidonia

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 10 N-340a Chiclana de la Frontera-Sur, Poblado de Sancti Petri, La Barrosa Playa

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 15 N-340, CA-9001 El Colorado, Roche, La Barrosa Playa

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 19 CA-2022, CA-4201, CA-2146 El Colorado, Barrio Nuevo, Los Naveros, Medina-Sidonia

Pictograma Gasolinera surtidor sin plomo.png Pictograma Restaurante.png Services near Conil de la Frontera

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 26 N-340, A-2232 Conil de la Frontera

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 30 N-340, CA-4200 Conil de la Frontera, La Muela de Vejer

Sinnbild Autobahnausfahrt.svg 36 N-340, CA-2142, A-2230, A-2229 Vejer de la Frontera, Los Caños de Meca

ESP N-340.svg

N-340 road

Vejer de la FronteraAlgeciras Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg A-396 Medina-Sidonia, Benalup-Casas Viejas

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg A-314 Vejer de la Frontera, Barbate

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg A-227 Zahara de los Atunes

Spain traffic signal s500.svg Tahivilla

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg CA-221 Facinas, Los Barrios, Los Alcornocales Natural Park

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg CA-7201 Facinas, Los Barrios, Los Alcornocales Natural Park

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg CA-8202 Bolonia

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg A-2325 Punta Paloma

Spain traffic signal s500.svg Valdevaqueros

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg CA-9210 Cañada de la Jara, Los Alcornocales Natural Park

Spain traffic signal s500.svg Tarifa

Spain traffic signal s500.svg El Bujeo

Spain traffic signal s500.svg El Pelayo

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg CA-224 Getares Playa

Sinnbild Autobahnkreuz.svg A-7, E15, N-350 Algeciras, Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera, Seville, Málaga, Marbella, Los Barrios, San Roque, La Línea de la Concepción,  United Kingdom (Gibraltar)




  1. ^ "E05". www.elbruz.org. Retrieved 2023-01-11.
  2. ^ "Home". Autopistas (in European Spanish). Retrieved 2023-01-11.
  3. ^ Muñoz, Ramón & Blas, Elsa García de (18 June 2018). "Fomento quitará los peajes de las autopistas cuando acabe su concesión". El País (in Spanish). ISSN 1134-6582. Retrieved 2023-01-11.
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