AARoads:AASHTO minutes/2020s

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USRN Reports/Minutes from the 2020s
State Route Add Info. Types Decision
May 26–29, 2020
Spring Meeting
(AASHTO, Internet Archive
USRN App.)

Kansas City, Missouri
Illinois US 67 Delhi Relocation Affirmative
Iowa US 30 Bus. Mount Vernon–Lisbon Recognition Affirmative
Iowa I-680 Crescent Elimination Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina I-295 Fayetteville Extension Affirmative with condition[a]
California USBR 50 Establishment Affirmative
Kentucky USBR 21 Realignment Affirmative
Michigan USBR 35 Realignment Affirmative
Wisconsin USBR 230 Establishment Affirmative
Wisconsin USBR 30 Establishment Affirmative
November 2020
Annual Meeting
(AASHTO, Internet Archive
USRN App., USBR App.)

North Carolina US 70 Bus. Kinston Elimination Affirmative
North Carolina US 258 Bus. Kinston Elimination Affirmative
Pennsylvania US 13 Chester Relocation Affirmative
Pennsylvania US 13 Bus. Chester Establishment Affirmative
Arkansas US 63 Bus. Pine Bluff Elimination Affirmative
Arkansas US 71 Bus. Fayetteville Elimination Affirmative
Oklahoma US 270 Wister Relocation Affirmative
Florida USBR 1 Realignment Affirmative
West Virginia USBR 11 Establishment Affirmative
District of Columbia USBR 1 Establishment Affirmative
North Dakota USBR 30 Establishment Affirmative
Maryland USBR 201 Establishment Affirmative
New York USBR 11 Establishment Affirmative
District of Columbia I-195 Third Street Tunnel Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
District of Columbia I-395 Third Street Tunnel Elimination Affirmative with condition[a]
District of Columbia I-395 Southeast Freeway Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
District of Columbia I-695 Southeast Freeway Elimination Affirmative with condition[a]
May 10–14, 2021
Spring Meeting
(Dropbox, USRN App.)
Arkansas US 70 Little Rock Elimination Affirmative
Arkansas US 70 Little Rock Relocation Affirmative
Arkansas US 412 Paragould Relocation Affirmative
Arkansas US 412 Paragould Recognition Affirmative
Florida US 301A Starke Establishment Affirmative
Florida US 301A Baldwin Establishment Affirmative
Illinois I-74/US 6 Moline Relocation Affirmative with condition[a]
Indiana I-69 Extension Affirmative with condition[a]
Iowa I-74/US 6 Bettendorf Relocation Affirmative with condition[a]
Kentucky US 68 Relocation Affirmative (clarification requested)
Michigan I-375 Detroit Elimination Affirmative with condition[a]
New York US 9 Albany Relocation Affirmative
New York I-81 Syracuse Relocation Affirmative with condition[a]
New York I-481 Syracuse Elimination Affirmative with condition[a]
New York I-81 Bus. Syracuse Recognition Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina I-587 Greenville Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina US 64 Asheboro Relocation Affirmative
North Carolina US 64 Bus. Asheboro Recognition Affirmative
South Dakota US 18 Hot Springs Relocation Affirmative
South Dakota US 18 Byp. Hot Springs Elimination Affirmative
South Dakota US 385 Hot Springs Extension Affirmative
California USBR 50 Realignment Affirmative
California USBR 66 Establishment Affirmative with condition[b]
California USBR 95 Establishment Affirmative with condition[c]
Florida USBR 1 Realignment Affirmative
Indiana USBR 235 Realignment Affirmative
Ohio USBR 21 Establishment Affirmative (clarification requested)
Ohio USBR 44 Establishment Affirmative
Ohio USBR 25 Establishment Affirmative (clarification requested)
Ohio USBR 30 Establishment Affirmative
Utah USBR 70 Establishment Affirmative
Utah USBR 677 Establishment Affirmative
Utah USBR 679 Establishment Affirmative
Utah USBR 877 Establishment Affirmative
Utah USBR 77 Establishment Affirmative
Utah USBR 79 Establishment Affirmative
Washington USBR 20 Establishment Affirmative
Washington USBR 81 Establishment Affirmative
Washington USBR 281 Establishment Affirmative
Washington USBR 40 Establishment Affirmative
October 26–29, 2021
Annual Meeting
(AASHTO, Internet Archive
USRN App., USBR App.)

San Diego, California
Alabama US 90 Loxley Elimination Affirmative
Alabama US 90 Loxley Relocation Affirmative
Delaware US 9 Truck Georgetown Relocation Affirmative
Iowa US 151 Bus. Cascade Elimination Affirmative
Iowa US 151 Bus. Cascade Relocation Affirmative
Missouri US 54 Bus. Lake Ozark Elimination Affirmative
Missouri I-44 Bus. Lebanon Elimination Affirmative
North Carolina I-42 Clayton Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina I-42 Goldsboro–La Grange Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina US 264 Alt. Saratoga–Greenville Elimination Affirmative
North Carolina US 264 Saratoga–Greenville Relocation Affirmative
Oklahoma I-240 Oklahoma City Extension Affirmative with condition[a]
Florida USBR 90 Relocation Affirmative
Maryland USBR 1 Establishment Affirmative
Michigan USBR 20 Relocation Affirmative
Ohio USBR 21 Relocation Affirmative
May 9-12, 2022
Spring Meeting
New Orleans, Lousiana
Florida US 1 Bus. Deletion Affirmative
Florida US 1 Bus. Deletion Affirmative
Indiana I-69 Phase 2 Extension Affirmative with condition[a]
Indiana I-69 Phase 3 Extension Affirmative with condition[a]
Louisiana US 90 Bus. Deletion Affirmative
Louisiana US 167 Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Missouri BL I-70 Deletion Affirmative
North Carolina Future I-685 Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina I-885 Establishment Affirmative with condition[a]
North Carolina US 70 Byp. Deletion Affirmative
Texas US 281 Bus. Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Texas I-69E Extension Affirmative with condition[a]
Texas US 183 Relocation Affirmative
Delaware USBR 201 Establishment Affirmative
Indiana USBR 35 Relocation/Realignment Affirmative with condition[d]
Michigan USBR 20 Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Minnesota USBR 20 Establishment Affirmative
Oklahoma USBR 66 Establishment Affirmative
October 19-23, 2022
Annual Meeting
Orlando, Florida
Arkansas USBR 80 Tennessee state line–North Little Rock Establishment Affirmative
Minnesota USBR 41 Entire route Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Nevada I-11 I-215 to SR 157 Extension Affirmative
New York USBR 11 Sodus Point Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
North Carolina I-840 Extension Affirmative
North Carolina US 258 Bus. Farmville Deletion Affirmative
Ohio USBR 21 Cincinnati, Sudbury, Dalton Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Ohio USBR 25 Dayton Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Ohio USBR 30 Elmore–Genoa Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Ohio USBR 44 Dalton Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Ohio USBR 50 Dayton Deletion Affirmative
Ohio USBR 225 Entire route Deletion Affirmative
Oklahoma US 75A Sapulpa Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Tennesseee USBR 21 Kentucky–Georgia Establishment Affirmative
Wisconsin US 151 Manitowoc Deletion Affirmative
Wisconsin US 10 Manitowoc Relocation/Realignment Affirmative
Wisconsin US 10 Manitowoc Deletion Affirmative
May 15–18, 2023
Spring Meeting
Kansas City, Missouri
Alaska USBR 87, USBR 95, USBR 97 Establishment Affirmative
Alaska USBR 8, USBR 108, USBR 208 Renumber Affirmative
Idaho USBR 610 Establishment Affirmative
Indiana USBR 37 Establishment Approve with condition; withdrawn
Kentucky USBR 21 Relocation Approve
Kentucky US 31EX Deletion Approve
Kentucky I-169 Establishment Approve
Maine US 201 Waterville Relocation Approve
Minnesota USBR 20 St. Cloud–Hastings Extension Approve
Minnesota USBR 45 Relocation Approve
Minnesota USBR 45A Apple Blossom, Twin Cities, St. Cloud, and Heartland/Paul

Bunyan State Trails

Relocation Approve
Minnesota US 14 Dodge Center–Owatonna Relocation Approve
Minnesota US 212 Carver County Relocation Approve
Nebraska US 30 North Bend Relocation Approve
Nebraska US 77 Fremont Relocation Approve
New Jersey I-695 New Jersey Turnpike Eastern Spur Establish Approve with condition
North Carolina US 15 Pittsboro Relocation Approve
North Carolina US 501 Pittsboro Relocation Approve
Pennsylvania USBR 11 Extension Approve
Tennessee USBR 121 Establish Approve
Wyoming US 87 Relocation Approve
November 13–16, 2023
Fall Meeting
(AASHTO, Internet Archive)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Alaska USBR 187, USBR 787 Establish Approve
Alaska USBR 387, USBR 587 Establish Approve
Florida USBR 1 St. John's County Realign Approve
Florida USBR 1 Realign Approve
Maine USBR 1 East Coast Greenway and Eastern Trail Realign Approve
Ohio USBR 25 Realign Approve
Ohio USBR 30 Genoa and East Lake Realign Approve
Virginia USBR 76 Palmyra Realign Approve
Alabama US 411 Centre–Gadsden Relocation Approve
Arkansas US 78 Extension Approve
Arkansas US 412 Walnut Ridge–Hoxie Relocation Approve
Arkansas US 412 Bus. Walnut Ridge Recognition Approve
Florida US 98 Bus. Deletion Approve
Georgia US 84 Bainbridge Relocation Approve
Georgia US 84 Bus. Bainbridge Relocation Approve
Michigan Bus. US 31 Pentwater Deletion Approve
North Carolina US 1A Franklinton Deletion Approve
North Carolina US 70 Wake and Johnson counties Relocation Approve
North Carolina US 70 Bus. Garner and Clayton Deletion Approve
North Dakota US 85B Williams County Establish Approve
Tennessee US 78 Extension Approve
Tennessee US 78 Memphis Relocation Approve
Tennessee US 78 Memphis Deletion Approve
Arkansas I-42 Oklahoma–Springdale Establish Approve with condition[e]
Oklahoma I-335 Kickapoo Turnpike Establish Approve
Oklahoma I-344 John Kilpatrick Turnpike Establish Approve
Oklahoma I-42 Noble County–Arkansas Establish Approve with condition[e]
Texas I-27 Lubbock Extension Approve
April 23–26, 2024
Spring Meeting
(AASHTO Archive)
Madison, Wisconsin
Arkansas I-42 Springdale Establish Approve with condition[f]
Arkansas USBR 51 Alma–Missouri state line Establish Approve
California USBR 85 Barstow–Oregon state line Establish Approve
California USBR 95 Realignment Approve
Florida USBR 15 Madison–Homestead Extension Approve
Indiana I-69 Along I-465 Extension Approve
Maryland I-695 Along MD 695 Extension Approve
Minnesota US 14 Courtland Realignment Approve
Minnesota US 53 Virginia Relocation Approve
Nebraska US 275 Scribner Relocation Approve
Oklahoma I-42 Noble County Establish Approve[f]
Pennsylvania US 15 Hummels Wharf–Shamokin Dam Relocation Approve
Pennsylvania Bus. US 15 Hummels Wharf–Shamokin Dam Recognition Approve
Texas I-69 Liberty County Extension Approve
Virginia US 1 Fort Belvoir Realignment Approve
Virginia Bus. US 460 Grundy Realignment Approve
Virginia US 460 Grundy Realignment Approve
Wyoming USBR 76 Colorado–Idaho Establish Approve
October 30, 2024
Annual Meeting
(AASHTO Archive)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Arkansas I-440 Arkansas Extension Approve
Florida US 41/US 98 (Broad Street) Brooksville Deletion Approve
Florida US 41/US 98 (Jefferson Street) Brooksville Deletion Approve
Florida US 41/US 98 (N. Mildred Avenue) Brooksville Deletion Approve
Florida US 41/US 98 (Broad Street) Brooksville Relocation Approve
Florida US 41/US 98 (Jefferson Street) Brooksville Relocation Approve
Indiana USBR 37 Griffith–Carmel Establishment Approve
Kansas USBR 55 Establishment Approve with condition[d]
Kansas USBR 50 Establishment Approve with condition[d]
Minnesota US 12 Willmar Realignment Approve
Missouri USBR 51 Establishment Approve
North Carolina US 64 Bus. Morganton Deletion Approve
North Carolina US 70 Bus. Morganton Deletion Approve
North Carolina US 311 Winston-Salem Deletion Approve
Pennsylvania I-99 Williamsport–New York state line Establishment Approve
South Dakota US 14 Pierre Relocation Approve
South Dakota US 14 Byp. Pierre Deletion Approve
South Dakota US 83 Pierre Relocation Approve
South Dakota US 83 Byp. Pierre Relocation Approve
Texas I-69 Cleveland Extension Approve
Virginia US 58 Abingdon–Damascus
(SR 708–SR 712)
Relocation Approve
Virginia US 58 Abingdon
(SR 1750–SR 708)
Relocation Approve
Virginia US 58 Abingdon
(SR 1640–SR 1750)
Relocation Approve
Virginia US 58 Abingdon
(SR 708–SR 708)
Relocation Approve
Washington USBR 195 Bellingham Establishment Approve
Washington USBR 187 Bellingham Relocation Approve
Washington USBR 97 Bellingham Relocation Approve
Washington USBR 87 Bellingham Relocation Approve
Washington USBR 95 Bellingham Relocation Approve
Washington USBR 197 Bellingham Establishment Approve

Affirmative with condition

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Contingent upon approval from FHWA.
  2. ^ Contingent upon review by ADOT.
  3. ^ Letter of concurrence from ODOT received.
  4. ^ a b c Contingent upon application signature from CEO.
  5. ^ a b Application withdrawn.
  6. ^ a b Segments redesigned to Interstate Highway standards.